Welcome to the New Site!

Now that all that administrative-y stuff is done, welcome to the new site! Critics United sort of started as a little side project for me, but now that it has almost 60 members I figured it deserved a page of its own. Also, maintaining it proved to be a lot more work than I imagined, and now that I'm moving forward in my life it will probably get harder. Oh, and I realized a while ago that 'critiquers' isn't actually a word, and it was getting embarrasing. Anyway, welcome if you're new and welcome back if you're not!

Also if you're new, feel free to check out the old site to get a feel of what this is and all that.

So yeah, still getting everything together and it probably won't be up and running for another few weeks, but we're getting there! Please enjoy this placeholder design and the butterflies that come with it in the meantime. Actually nevermind, which one do you think looks better?

