- Created By crona1214
y hello there..
so, im going to Disney world next saturday and im still pale as snow.. im going to die in florida.. im still excited
nikki said that when i get back to school and people ask what happened to me, i could just say florida.. i might do that :/ ..probably
i went to my friend kannas early 18nth birthday party and it was fun, we camped out at her granpas back yard. i found out about this thing called homestuck.. koti and tiffany were talking about it and i was like whats that they were talking about trolls and this one named gamsey worships clowns or something.. clowns scare me .. anyway i checked it out and it funny i sugest u go look at it HARLEQUINS WIZARDS AND PUPPETS EVERY WHERE! it amuses me :3 we went on this trail called coffin trail and a guy hanged himself and an orphanage burned down at the end or something.. either way, its supposed to be haunted and it was pretty creepy.. it WAS SO DARK BACK THERE, i started to get uneasy when we couldnt see (we did bring a flashlight but it didnt do much)i couldnt really see.. it was all fuzzy and most of them needed glasses and they could see fine.. so yeah.. that scared me a little
well that was pretty much what u missed
..and the harlequins, thet mock me (RANDOM :P)
wow.. the last thing i wrote was the sarcasm and obvious thing? ...god i need to talk on here more... i didnt even say FREEDOM when summer came?
MINI POST FROM THE PAST: THANK GOD SUMMER! i need my time away from all the stuck up jerks at my school WOOOO FREEEEEEDOMMMMM!!!
BACK TO NOW: ok so my grandma died when i was little from cancer so i know what it feels like to lose a grandparent i barely remember her but it still hurt wow this is different, im talking about my past :I but to actually know them and then have them die must be torture.. xNotUnderstood i am sorry but it will get better, i promise
i am sooooo exited! today is the sale at the bookstore and moms gonna take me~ and todays also the day adult swim airs durarara!! (at 12:30 if u wanted to know) i am also exited cuz i have less than 6 weeks before my cousin my mom and i go to disney! :D
wow this post is a mess of emtions.. o well~
just listen
ok during art class my friend nikki and i were talking and this happened:
nikki: its BLUE
me: thank u for that wonderful statement, captain obvious
nikki: thank u lieutenant sarcasm
so now im lieutenant sarcasm and nikkis captain obvious
..and together we r..