Headmaster's Office

I cheerful walked into the Headmaster Cross's Office. Zero and Yuuki were following me at a slower rate. We had been sommoned to his office. I heard it had been about some trasfer students along with the new students this year.

"Hello my wonderful daughter and my caring son and my friend Satsu-chan" he gushed. Yuuki sighed. Zero started argueing that he wasn't Cross's son. I mentally sighed. Same old routine.

"Hello Cross!" I cheerfully said."What did you call us for?"

"As you now, like every year we have new sudents, but some of them have been chosen as prefects."

"Wow!" I cheered. "Now me and Yuuki won't have to work as hard when Zero skips out~!" I smiled. Zero grumbled under his breath. He was clearly anoyyed.

"Also, sadly recently a school has been bombed and its students are transferring here temporaily, untill the year is over and\\or the school is fixed. Which ever comes last. Oh and there will be other students sent to protect them but this is only known to the prefects. I know I can leave it to my closest family and kin!"He smiled.

"Yep!" I smiled. Zero just rolled his eyes.

"Yes." Yuuki told him, smilling. I heard the door creak open. Through the crack I could see a girl with what seemed to be blonde hair with black highlights and electric blue eyes.

"Hello!" I smiled.

"Ah, you must be Hunter-chan!" He smiled. "She is one of the prefects you'll be working with. I'll leave it to you, Satsu-chan, to show her about her job. And I'm sure you got you weapon in the mail?" He asked Hunter. I smiled widely.

~Kura Satsuki
