Enter Akira

I waited patiently outside the door, We were told that we were here for a mission. It was me and two other ninjas waiting. We were told we were going to protect kids from a bombed school and try to find out why it was bombed. We were also told that we were going with an anbu and more squads would be coming later. Tsunade was now talking to the anbu and we were waiting for Shizune to open the door so we could leave for the mission.

"Here is your team," I heard Lady Tsunade through the door. Shizune opened the door and we walked in."You can start now. Their first day of school is about to begin. Also, I have gotten the headmaster to give you all a pass to the moon dorms, which are usually off limits, but he shall only allow you to go there with a prefect with you for some reason.I have already sent your stuff to the school. It is called Cross academy. You may now leave." she said. The anbu nodded and left the room.

"There is a bus waiting for us by the ramen shop." I told her. We walked to the shop and there was one of those buses with the built in TV waiting for us. A girl with a black skirt and shirt along with some white band on her arm with a symbol that kind of resembled a red rose walked out of the bus cheerfully.

"Hello!" She smiled. "I'm Kura, Satsuki. I was asked by Headmaster to take you to our school!" she said, sounding over excited.

~Chirari Akira
