I started veiwing the world from someone else's point of view it ended up being the blonde noble's"Nile?!" he exlaimed. So Nile was the name of the unfamialer person."What are you doing here?!?!" He continued. I stopped watching and told Michi to go to head master cross. After a long and confusing conversation with Headmaster it was decided that my first personaility shall attend day class and Michi shall attend the night class.I can't belive i have to change everynight! I was also a prefect now but I didn't need a weapon. Michi headed to the moon dorm with his grin. 'I'm done talking to you good bye' he thought to me. The darkness in his room started to swallow me up again."N-" I cried, but it was to late.
~Demontia Enma