Rember Me?

I walked into the the moon dorm. Nile as Enma has kindly toldme, and Hunter were talking with the blondie.

"You two do almost look alike!" he said right before I walked up.

"Hey Hunter-chan, Nile-kun!I'm back!Oh and I will now be going to night class!" I smiled at them, not my usaul grin. Enma told me if I did when she got back out she'd lock me in the girly room. It sent a chill down my spine. Nile seemed to be severly mad at me after I talked to him for some reason. Then I turned to blondie. I grinned widely,letting my icy blue eyes turn dark red.

"Remeber Me?" I grinned at him. He started shaking a bit and shivered as my words sent a chill down his spine. Takuma crawled up to my shoulder. Blondie tried to act normal but I could tell that deep down inside he was terrified. I chuckled. This was going to be fun. I might get to play another game. The last game I played was 10 years ago. I killed 20 people that night. It was such a fun game. My grin got wider.

~Michi Demontai
