In the end all we truly strive to find in inner peace. Once that is accomplished, we can accomplish anything we chose. However, finding inner peace is extremely difficult for we are often weighted down with gilt, stress, and expectations. There are also constant vices that tend to nag at our whits and beings as a whole. These cannot be avoided but must in the end be met and built on. Social vices and social misunderstandings cause many to lack inner peace, but what we must all strive to understand is that we are all humans with wants and needs. We all have goals, and yet none of us share the exact same dream or rather reason for the dream. There can be many that dream to be great actresses, and yet the question we must all pose to ourselves is why do we want this? What is the meaning that we strive to achieve from this? What do we expect from ourselves and why do we expect this? When we can find the answer to these questions, we will in the end arrive at inner peace.
In the End