(foxes by XxArrancarFanxX)

Hello everyone Im Small Lady and heres a little bit about myself as well as my lovely adopted foxes~ I'll be using them a lot. The blue one is Rohdanthe the ascended. Male of course. The pink one is Sylvia the beloved. Female.


Name: Small Lady, Usagi, Usa, Chibiusa

Age: 25 (omg can you believe it? XD)

Marital status: Married (no kids xp)

Occupation: Student

Star sign: Leo

Year: Ram

Birthday: August 4

Likes: sweets, baking, anime, video games, animals, collecting plushies, playing mtg, cosplaying, reading, drawing, writing...

Dislikes: anything bigger than me, storms, spiders, leeches, lampree, ticks, stereotypes, judgemental people, strawberries, mushrooms, math x.x

Watched list:

Sailormoon (Crystal)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Fruits Basket
Dragon Ball (z) (gt) (kai)
Gumdam Wing
G Gundam
Gundam Seed
Cyborg 009
Air Gear
Yu Yu Hakusho
Cowboy Bebop
Dance of the vampire bund
Hellsing (ultimate)
Wolves Rain
Zatch bell
Death Note
Kill La Kill
Ghost in the shell
Vampire Knight
Soul Eater
Blue Exorsist
Kamisama Kiss
Shugo Chara
This ugly yet beautiful world
Please teacher
Tenchi muyo
Black butler
Sword art online
Black cat
Mew mew power
A little snow fairy sugar
Gurren Lagann
Fate/stay night (zero)
Your lie in april
Yuki Yuna is a hero
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
.hack//sign (legend of twilight)
Black butler 2
Jing king of bandits

Read list:
.hack// legend of the twilight bracelet
Air gear
Black butler
Tokyo mew mew
Love hina
Return to the labyrinth
Kamichama Karin (chu)
Jing king of bandits
Dragon ball
Shugo chara
Fullmetal alchemist
Legend of Zelda (seasons, ages, ocarina, four swordZatchs)
Zatch bell
Zodiac P.I.
Vampire knight
Magic knight rayearth
Codename sailor V
Sailor moon
Soul eater
Blue exorcist
Alice in the country of hearts (clover)
Kingdom hearts (chain of memories, 2)
Ranma 1/2
1/2 Prince
Absolute boyfriend
A doll and his master

Anniversary on the 18th, awesome shopping day yesterday, and no sleep...yaaay! xDDD

Hey guys =D how are you? I'd like to start todays ramdom post off with saying I changed my background. Its the lovely wallpaper XxArrancarFanxX made for me ^^ Thank you so much!

My husband and I also celebrated our 6 year anniversary the 18th ^^. He got me a mini orchid~ its beautiful >w< I love flowers. I didn't have the stuff to make him what I wanted to make so we had to go out to get the stuff...then looking at houses and getting supplies ready for gifts and what not...I haven't had time to make it v.v BUT today I'll have it ready ^^ I'm making him a chocolate fudge brownie sundae with french vanilla ice cream and whipped cream ^^ its his favorite desert.

So yesterday I ran errands with my mother in law all until like 3:30. We got $57 worth of clothes while running around getting everything done so I'd say we did pretty good ^^ he had to get some stuff you Hope's baby shower...that I REALLY want to avoid. (shes my husband's....questionable cousin plus being around pregnant women freaks me out a lot...idk why but it does) We also had to get stuff for a wedding gift. One of the mother in law's friends is getting married so I helped her pick out stuff for a gift.

Now onto no sleep x.x...So if anyone here is a dog person and has had many dogs please give me some advice. The cocker spaniel is back to howling ALL NIGHT because he doesn't want to be in his cage. Which I understand, I wouldn't want to be in a cage either....BUT if anything startles him even the tiniest bit he can't hold his bladder. He also doesn't let you know when he needs to go outside and he'll just hide under the coffee table and poop there....so keeping him out at night isn't an option. I don't know what to do with him. He's not my dog so I don't feel like I can say to much about it you know? He's my mother in law's pup. Idk why he does this...he goes through spurts where hes totally cool sleeping in a cage, then all of a sudden he wakes us up every hour on the hour whining and howling at the top of his lungs...so I don't really know what to do with him =/

That's pretty much everything that's happened lately so yeah ^^ there's an update for you guys. Sorry its so long >.<

Also if you want your fortune pm me ok? ^^

Usa out!

Its over 1000?!?!?!?

Omg guys! I just realized that this world hit a little over 1000 views over the weekend! This is really awesome! =D What a great surprise. I just wanted to say thanks for reading all of my pointless ramblings ^^;; and I hope you continue to do so in the future. I also made this for you guys as thanks ^^ (made with photobucket....cause my computer is being stupid....so I only added text and a frame T_T sorry its so crappy I hope the cuteness makes up for it)

Again thanks for reading guys ^^ it means a lot. Honestly when I started on here I didn't think I'd ever get that many views on anything ^^;; so its really awesome that I was proved wrong. I'm usually ignored online x.x...sometimes I think people think I'm annoying or something... Anyway, you guys are awesome and I hope you like this cute picture as much as I do ^^

Usa out!

No rest for the wicked

x.x ugh good morning guys....how are you at 9:16 am? Usa feels like a zombie at this point....I went out looking for houses with my husband last night which was fun. We found a small little place that just might work out for us ^^ the only problem is we'll have to get rid of some stuff before we move in because we wont have room for everything...anyway we atsyed up last night talking for a while. Which was fine cause my insomnia decided to rear its ugly head once again. Yaaay no sleep. -_- Then of ccourse I get up every weekday morning at seven with my husbandso I can fix his lunch for him. Occasionally breakfast when he wants it. Thismorning however, wouldn't co-operate with me though...

You remember me saying my mother in law moved in with us right? She's being passive agressive with me this morning because she has company over -_- in other words....Usa can't get any sleep and has to stay up with the dogs this morning. -sighs- After she leaves for word I'm gonna put the dogs back in their kennels for a couple hours and hopefully catch some Z's. I really need a lavender plant...that would help out tremendously. Until then, I'm going to watch fairy tail on netflix.

I hope you guys have a better start to your day then I have. and I do apologize for any spelling errors if there are any. Normally I'd do back through an check for them but at the moment I'm to tired to really care x.x

Usa out...u.u zzzz...

=p false alarm

So we didn't go looking for costumes today v.v but today was still pretty awesome regardless. Went looking for houses, had Chinese for lunch~, visited the pet store >w<. I held a cocker spaniel pup~ he was adorable. He had one brown eye and one blue. Along with some pretty odd coloration in his fur. Oh and I held a little black bunny too. It was licking my fingers ^^

We also stocked up on some supplies for Hope's baby shower....god I feel sorry for the kid and he isn't even born yet. Hope is my husband's cousin...she doesn't even take care of her first kid. My husband and I practically watched her the ENTIRE vacation -_- not that I mind though. Lora is a good kid. She calls me kitty though xD. He heard my husband say I caught a mouse with my hands and since then I've been kitty lol. Apparently that name suits me very well xD

Anyway that's about all that happened today besides paying bills lol so yeah ^^ theres an update. Costumes have been moved to next week. ^^

Thanks for reading you guys are awesome!

Usa out!

The nursing board ate my happy...just friggin ate it

Like an hour ago when I made my last post I was pretty happy and cheerful....but Zeus dammit if I didn't hear from my least favorite person at the college I go to. Or at least I had to contact my least favorite person, I got the information from a close friend that works at the college. (Husband's God mother)

She messaged me on facebook saying that I needed to contact (For obvious reasons I'm not going to post her real name so I'm using a fake one) Trollface. You see, normally when I meet new people I make it a point do try and give everyone a chance...even when I get a bad impression of them. -sighs- But I knew as soon as I met this woman that she was going to give me trouble the entire time I was in her program.

The day I met Ms.Trollface I knew she didn't like me. Which honestly I'm used to. A lot of people don't like me for one reason or another. Usually it's because of my dark clothing, or talking to me before I have coffee xD. But this time...it was different. I was in just a normal pair of jeans, my slip on low top converse, an invader zim shirt and my head scarf. (religious head wear)

I know its because I was wearing the head scarf that she didn't like me. I just knew it! But, I tried to let it go and give her a chance. I really shouldn't have. Omg this lady....lady doesn't even describe her. Not even close. She's just a self important closeminded poop stain! That's right poop stain!

-sighs again- Sorry about that...anyway as time past things didn't get better. She never once said outright that she didn't like me, or that the head scarf was the reason for the how shall I put it...sun shiney attitude -_-. You could tell the woman didn't like me at all. She'd refer to me with a bit of a bite in her voice, she'd toss her head in the air and look down at me over her nose when looking at me, if she had to hand me a paper she'd always drop it of the floor or fling it at me...the list could go on -_-.

Me being me I tried VERY hard not to lash out at her like I used to do in this type of situation. God I tell you guys, I haven't come close to doing that since I first met my husband when I was 16. I haven't really lashed out at anyone much after that. I used to be a MUCH different person then I am now. I just bit my tongue and smiled saying every time "oh don't worry about it I got it."

Fast forwarding a bit, I passed all my classes with A's and B's and even made the honor roll. I applied for my nursing licence and...waited.....and waited.....and what do you know? Waited some more -_-. I got a letter in the mail saying I have a temp licence and can still work as a CNA/GNA but it expires within a three month period. Ok no biggy, I can handle that. I wait a little longer and still don't hear anything from the board of nursing.

So I bite the bullet, pour a nice hot cup of tea to cam my nerves and call Ms.Troll face. I got the secretary. Cool, no problem, she must be out. I left a message for Ms.Trollface....waited a while. Didn't hear a Zeus damn thing from her! I called, left emails, everything and nothing!

So I was about to give up being a CNA/GNA because of this woman when my husband's god mother messaged me. So I try one last time to contact this woman. Don't get her by phone. Friggin typical...so I emailed her one last time. The three golden goddesses of hyrule must be smiling down upon me because I actually got an answer! Can you believe it? She emailed me saying "Oh yeah hi Ms.S (not typing my full last name. Nothing against you guys but I've had trouble in the past. Please understand.) I needed to talk to you about something. I've tried contacting you but didn't hear anything-" ok hold on right there, let me stop here to say that's a load of bull. -_- she hasn't tried to contact me at all! If I'm home I have my computer right with me unless I'm cleaning and I always have my phone. Out right lie number one -_-.

anyway continuing with the message. " Didn't hear anything from you. The board of nursing contacted me saying they didn't get your fingerprints so they don't have them on file. You can't get your licence if they don't get those." For those of you who don't know, getting my fingerprints cost $55 bucks to put them in the system. My husband and I don't exactly have a lot of money at the moment. We're trying to get our first house together. Doing so uses up a lot of money. continuing "Oh this is normal by the way. it happens from time to time. If you have the tracking number give it to this lady (insert name here) or if not you'll have to get your prints done again. let me know ow it all turns out.

- Ms.Troolface the poop stain"

Alright now here's wat you need to know. Ms.Trollface is the one who handles all the background checks, AND the finger prints. She collects them all and sends them to the board of nursing in one big bundle so NONE OF THEM GET LOST. I handed mine in the first friggin day we could hand them in. It turns out that EVERYONE ELSE got there licence but me. That means mine was the only one not sent to the board of nursing...people like her make people like me want to stop being nice all the time.

So long story short Ms.Troll face is a terrible person who should fall in a hole and the nursing board ate my happy...God...just some people...you know?