(foxes by XxArrancarFanxX)

Hello everyone Im Small Lady and heres a little bit about myself as well as my lovely adopted foxes~ I'll be using them a lot. The blue one is Rohdanthe the ascended. Male of course. The pink one is Sylvia the beloved. Female.


Name: Small Lady, Usagi, Usa, Chibiusa

Age: 25 (omg can you believe it? XD)

Marital status: Married (no kids xp)

Occupation: Student

Star sign: Leo

Year: Ram

Birthday: August 4

Likes: sweets, baking, anime, video games, animals, collecting plushies, playing mtg, cosplaying, reading, drawing, writing...

Dislikes: anything bigger than me, storms, spiders, leeches, lampree, ticks, stereotypes, judgemental people, strawberries, mushrooms, math x.x

Watched list:

Sailormoon (Crystal)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Fruits Basket
Dragon Ball (z) (gt) (kai)
Gumdam Wing
G Gundam
Gundam Seed
Cyborg 009
Air Gear
Yu Yu Hakusho
Cowboy Bebop
Dance of the vampire bund
Hellsing (ultimate)
Wolves Rain
Zatch bell
Death Note
Kill La Kill
Ghost in the shell
Vampire Knight
Soul Eater
Blue Exorsist
Kamisama Kiss
Shugo Chara
This ugly yet beautiful world
Please teacher
Tenchi muyo
Black butler
Sword art online
Black cat
Mew mew power
A little snow fairy sugar
Gurren Lagann
Fate/stay night (zero)
Your lie in april
Yuki Yuna is a hero
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
.hack//sign (legend of twilight)
Black butler 2
Jing king of bandits

Read list:
.hack// legend of the twilight bracelet
Air gear
Black butler
Tokyo mew mew
Love hina
Return to the labyrinth
Kamichama Karin (chu)
Jing king of bandits
Dragon ball
Shugo chara
Fullmetal alchemist
Legend of Zelda (seasons, ages, ocarina, four swordZatchs)
Zatch bell
Zodiac P.I.
Vampire knight
Magic knight rayearth
Codename sailor V
Sailor moon
Soul eater
Blue exorcist
Alice in the country of hearts (clover)
Kingdom hearts (chain of memories, 2)
Ranma 1/2
1/2 Prince
Absolute boyfriend
A doll and his master

David Bowie Day

So after my time was wasted with that interview, and the craptastic day I had yesterday...(long story short the dogs used the large area rug as a toilet and it was full of dog pee -_-) I decided today is going to be a nice relaxing day. So I popped in my favorite movie of all time, laid back on the couch and ate muddy buddies while watching the Labyrinth <3. Some of you might be to young to remember that movie honestly I'm to young for it and I'm older than most of you xD it came out when my parents were teens but its a fantastic old movie staring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly. An old friend showed me this movie shortly after my younger sister was born....so about when I was 12 I think (there's about an 11 year difference between us) and I've loved this movie ever since~ So today is my David Bowie day! If you don't know who he is look him up. He's truly amazing <333 best goblin king ever~ >w<

Anyway ^^;; sorry for the fangirl moment there....but yes this movie is amazing and if you like old movies you should really give it a shot. This movie also really got me into costumes and dressing up too. My favorite scene (Not a spoiler I promise) is the Goblin Masquerade. I love all the dresses and masks so much~ So I might do something like that eventually. xD this has kind of been one giant fangirl post so I apologize lol but I just thought I'd share this little bit of movie gold with you and prove just how nerdy I am at the same time

Oh! Wait fun fact! Did you know that these three amazing people Jake T. Forbes, Chris Lie, and Kouyu Shurei loved the movie so much they wrote a sequel for it as a manga? To my understanding it is only 4 volumes but its supposed to be just as amazing as the movie~

Here's a picture of the Goblin King Jareth himself >w<

Long live the Goblin king!

New world launch~

Hello everyone~ I just stopped by to let you guys know that I launched my new fortune telling world if you're interested. Just remember to pm me your questions that way things stay private ^^ That's about it really so enjoy~

wasted time for my interview -_-

I don't mean to sound bitchy or like a spoiled brat or anything but today didn't turn out so well. For a while know I had been emailing a nursing home near here about a job opening they had posted of their site. I was interested because it's in the next town over where my husband works now and it was the same shift. Naturally, I jumped all over that. If I could get that job it would be perfect. We'd have more money, we'd work the same hours, we'd get off work at the same time, P-E-R-F-E-C-T.

So I emailed them a couple times saying I'm interested. Finally I got an interview. I was really excited when they called me asking when I could come for an interview. Practically bouncing off the walls even. I called my husband on his lunch break to let him know about the good news.

-fast forward to today-

I go to my interview all excited/slightly nervous. After the interviews over and they tell me it went very well they say "Oh by the way we gave the day shift position away to a night shift girl so if you get the job you'd be on evening or night shift is that ok?" My head was screaming "No you idiot that's not ok I applied for a DAY SHIFT for a reason!" but I said "I'm not sure that will work, my husband works on day shift and that's the reason I wanted this position so much. We'd have the same hours and be working in the same general area. It would be better for us to have the same shift." I explained it nicely and without any snarky attitude. "Well, that's not possible what other shift could you work? Is evening ok?" the more we talked the more they wanted to push me of evening shift...if that happens I'd never get to see my husband so if they call back I might tell them no.

So I had an idea for a new world...

AS the title says I have a idea for a new world. I recently found my old clow card deck and it brought back some fun old memories. You see, back in freshman year in high school I used them to tell fortunes. I know its silly but it was something fun to do. Anyway, my point is it was something I really enjoyed doing ^^ So I thought about making a world to do fortunes for you guys if your interested ^^ and don't worry I'm not charging for them like others do =p

If you're interested in this idea, I have a preferred method. I prefer to keep things private so if you'd like a fortune done, pm your questions to me and I will post up the results. However, I won't use usernames I will say something to the effect of "person A is having a problem with person B" and so on and explain the reading and that the cards mean from there ^^ That way its private and you still get the answers you wanted. Also I'd mark them with a number if I got more then one fortune a day and pm you the number corresponding with your fortune.

So what are your thoughts on it? Let me know in the comments ^^ that's about it for today so have a nice day ^^

Usa out!

Your prize~

I just want to say thank you to those of you who participated in my second voice meme ^^ It was a lot of fun so as promised I made something for you guys

I edited it myself ^^ (I know its not very good v.v but I tried) So I hope you guys like it ^^ and I hope you will participate in the future~

Have an awesome day/night guys ^^

Usa out!