(foxes by XxArrancarFanxX)

Hello everyone Im Small Lady and heres a little bit about myself as well as my lovely adopted foxes~ I'll be using them a lot. The blue one is Rohdanthe the ascended. Male of course. The pink one is Sylvia the beloved. Female.


Name: Small Lady, Usagi, Usa, Chibiusa

Age: 25 (omg can you believe it? XD)

Marital status: Married (no kids xp)

Occupation: Student

Star sign: Leo

Year: Ram

Birthday: August 4

Likes: sweets, baking, anime, video games, animals, collecting plushies, playing mtg, cosplaying, reading, drawing, writing...

Dislikes: anything bigger than me, storms, spiders, leeches, lampree, ticks, stereotypes, judgemental people, strawberries, mushrooms, math x.x

Watched list:

Sailormoon (Crystal)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Fruits Basket
Dragon Ball (z) (gt) (kai)
Gumdam Wing
G Gundam
Gundam Seed
Cyborg 009
Air Gear
Yu Yu Hakusho
Cowboy Bebop
Dance of the vampire bund
Hellsing (ultimate)
Wolves Rain
Zatch bell
Death Note
Kill La Kill
Ghost in the shell
Vampire Knight
Soul Eater
Blue Exorsist
Kamisama Kiss
Shugo Chara
This ugly yet beautiful world
Please teacher
Tenchi muyo
Black butler
Sword art online
Black cat
Mew mew power
A little snow fairy sugar
Gurren Lagann
Fate/stay night (zero)
Your lie in april
Yuki Yuna is a hero
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
.hack//sign (legend of twilight)
Black butler 2
Jing king of bandits

Read list:
.hack// legend of the twilight bracelet
Air gear
Black butler
Tokyo mew mew
Love hina
Return to the labyrinth
Kamichama Karin (chu)
Jing king of bandits
Dragon ball
Shugo chara
Fullmetal alchemist
Legend of Zelda (seasons, ages, ocarina, four swordZatchs)
Zatch bell
Zodiac P.I.
Vampire knight
Magic knight rayearth
Codename sailor V
Sailor moon
Soul eater
Blue exorcist
Alice in the country of hearts (clover)
Kingdom hearts (chain of memories, 2)
Ranma 1/2
1/2 Prince
Absolute boyfriend
A doll and his master


Hey everyone sorry I haven't been on much today ^^;; its been an early busy day. Getting classes, waking up my husband for work, getting dogs to the vet and house work....at least I'm not bored lol xD if I sit still to long that's what happens.(then thats usually when I nap lol which oddly enough doesn't mess with my sleep pattern much) But yes I'm sorry I haven't been on much today its been pretty busy. I'm just taking a break now to unwind a it before I finish everything else. Also does anyone know anything about different cat breeds and the protein that actually causes the cat allergy? (don't know how much you guys know about animals so I thought I'd just give it a shot ^^;;) My husband and I may have found the house we want to buy (and if we can get the people to set a price) my husband said he'd get me a kitten so long as I trained it, and not let it torment his pup. So if you guys know anything about kitties that are easy on allergies and get along well with other pets please let me know ok?

That's about it really so thanks for reading and as always, you guys are awesome ^^

Usa out!

Kuroshitsuji fans~

Hey guys =D I thought I'd share this with all the kuroshitsuji fans here! When it comes to fandubs I'm picky =/ I don't mean to sound like a prude but I am. This guy however, sings this song with amazing talent! I don't know him or anything but an artist should have publicity should they not? His username is shadowlink4321 and heres the videoMonochrome no kiss
I think he did an amazing job^^ but what do you guys think?

Sharing time =D

Hello everyone =D How are you? I'm slightly zombified but I'm doing pretty good ^^ (as a bit of friendly advice don't read Alice in the country of hearts all day and then talk about attack on titan before bed...it produces very strange dreams xD)

I thought I'd stop by and introduce you guys to something amazing I found recently. My husband told me about this manga a while back and I finally got into it yesterday. Its called "Alice in the country of hearts" I love it sooo much~ I'm almost finished with it and about to move on to clover =D
Now here comes the sharing~
I found the Alice series on my favorite manga site ^^ Get your manga here!
If you make a free account here you can download manga straight into your computer and enjoy it anytime you'd like ^^ You can also donate to keep the site up and running but that it totally optional so you don't have to.

I just thought I'd share that bit of information with you guys ^^ and seriously if you like the Alice movies, give the country of hearts a try its amazing~ Oh also some manga go by the japanese titles so watch out for that. FOr instance "Alice in the country of hearts" becomes "Heart no kuni no Alice" So if you know the english title and it gives you something like that, don't worry its the same thing I promise ^^
Well that's it for today ^^ So happy reading~ You guys are awesome!

Usa Out!

another meme

Stolen from moka...sorry >.<

Name: Usa
Birthdate: august 4th
Birthplace: crystal tokyo
Current Location: the couch in the living room
Eye Color: Brownish gold
Hair Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: Right.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Male or Female: Female

The shoes you wore today: black sandals with green roses
Your fears: theres a lot of them.

-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: "Iris don't eat that!" "I love you!" and last but not least "Nope...Chuck Testa."
Your thoughts first waking up: "F@#$ nightmares..."
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Personality
Your best physical feature: ....idk I don't think I'm physically attractive so...
Your bedtime: 10-10:30
Your most missed memory: being with my dear little goku

-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: Pepsi.
McDonald's or Burger King: Burgerking
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: I don't care for either so converse
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.

-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: I smoked a hooka once
Take a shower everyday: yes
Do you think you've been in love?: Yes
Want to go to college: I'm in college
Like(ed) high school: not really
Want to get married: I am married
Type with your fingers on the right keys: sometimes
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: nope
Think you're attractive: Nope
Think you're a health freak: not really
Get along with your parents: We don't speak to eachother
Like thunderstorms: No
Play an instrument: yes

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: yes
Eaten sushi: Nope.
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: no
Gone skating: no
Made homemade cookies: no
Been in love: still in love
Dyed your hair: No.
Stolen anything: no
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: nope
Missed school because it was raining?: nope
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yes
Cried during a Movie?:yes.
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: sorta
Had an imaginary friend: once. but I ont remember them anymore =/
Cut your own hair: yeah....didnt end well
Had crush on a teacher: bleh no
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: -_- no
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: spmeone spiked my drink before...so yes but not intentionally
Been called a tease: Nope.
Gotten beaten up: oh yeah...I dished it out too so its about even
Been in a fight: Like I said I dished it out too
Shoplifted: Not that I remember

----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: I was 21
Numbers and Names of Children: No kids. But my husband wants to adopt a daughter so we'll see.
How do you want to die?: by chocolate? getting cuddled to death by kittens?
What do you want to be when you grow up?: I am grown up and I'm still floating around that question =/ I guess I really like to help animals so we'll see what I come up with.
What country would you most like to visit?: Japan, England, Australia

-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color: Greenish brown
Best hair color: Dark brown.
Short or long hair: longish
Best height: 6"3
Best weight: I dont care
Best first date location: Cherokee NC
Best first kiss location: In a semi private sitting spot in Cherokee ^///^ (in case you haven't guessed this is all about my husband)
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people you could trust with your life: 2.
Number of CDs that I own: 0
Number of piercings: two
Number of tattoos: sometimes 0 sometimes many. depends on what color pens are laying around.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 0
Number of scars on my body: umm...never actually counted them...so idk xD a lot probably.
Number of things in my past that I regret: No being able to protect someone close to me, not running off sooner, not telling my parents how I really feel about them, leaving my goku behind, making my husband wait on me for so long...

Shampoo: everlasting sunshine
Fav Color(s): red, blue, green, purple, black, silver, orange, teal
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: Summer
Fave Cartoon Character: hmmm....Felix the cat
Fave Food: Chinese food
Fave Movies: Nightmare Before Christmas
Fave sport: Badminton

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: emerald green ruffle dress
Drinking: fat free milk
Thinking about: lunch
Listening to: the dog snoring -_-

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: nope
Worn jeans: nope
Met someone new online: Don't think so.
Done laundry: Yes
Drove a car:Nope
Talked on the phone: Yes. (making an appointment for class schedule)

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: sometimes
Your friends: I'm wondering just how many off line friends I have at this point....
Santa Claus: Nope
Tooth Fairy: Nope
Destiny/Fate: That is something we control.
Angels: yes and no
Ghosts: earthbounds...and yes
UFO's: No that is silly.

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yes....I'm named after a questionable lady from an old soap opera -_-
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No I have a husband
Do you like anyone?: as in like like? No but I love my husband
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: BAck in the day I would have said Kaoru my 'twin' but we've kinda drifted apart so no one I guess.
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Kyoya...second grade. But shes not speaking to me anymore and idk what I did. Also Vegeta. Again since second grade. I only hear from him once in a blue moon though =/
Are you close to any family member?: My Aunt Sabrina
Who do you hang around the most?: You guys and my husband
What's the best feeling in the world?: Cuddling next to my husband with his arms around me.
Worst Feeling?: Jealousy. (I also agree with this.)
What time is it now?: 2:49pm

Had a bad night...need a distraction

Stolen from XxArrancarFanxX...sorry >.<

So I stole this because I had a rough night with stupid nightmares again....some of which I don't care to talk about....and I needed a nice distraction from them for a bit. So here is the meme and my goofy answers. If you'd like to use this feel free.

About You Meme

Name: Usa
Birthday: August 4th 1991
Height: 5"4
Weight: >> how about no.
Eye Color: brownish gold
Hair Color: Brown
Race: human? white, indian, english, scottich, irish, german??? (yes seriously my family is that messed up)
Zodiac Sign: Leo

Drink?: I have before but not to get drunk. I would have a sip to get to sleep.
Smoke?: once but not cigs. I smoked a hooka with two friends. (no it wasn't pot it was herbs)
Use Drugs?: Nope =p drugs are gross.
Cuss?: yeah...>.< I need to work on that
Play Any Instruments?: Drums and beginning ocarina
Have Any Peircings?: yupp
Have Any Tattoos?: I wish v.v
Like To Annoy People?: Depends on the person >w>
Like Life?: Its alright so far
Wear Make-Up?: Its pretty rare but it happens
Dye Your Hair?: Yes I have. Tons of times, but I stopped. If you can't see it, why dye it?
Scream At The top of your lungs for no reason?: Nope always had a reason
Get Distracted By Shiny Objects?: >> Who told you that?...(yes)
Like Pina Coladas?: They're ok but I prefer them with no alcohol
And Getting Caught In The Rain?: Oh xD ok I get it

Dependable?: I hope so
Trustworthy?: Again I hope so
Obsessive?: ....sometimes
Hyper Active?: Not unless massive ammounts of sugar is involved
Happy?: right now a little shaken up still...damn nightmares
Content?: I'd be content if this nigtmare would erase itself from my mind...
Boring?: prpbably
Violent?: Not unless a harpy tries to take something from me..
Evil?: deffinately xD
Hippie-Ish?: idk
Shy?: Yes
Paranoid?: sometimes
Annoying?: I hope not...
Social?: only sometimes
Religious?: yes and no

TV Show?: Doctor Who
Movie?: Nightmare Before Christmas...I <333 Jack~
Band/Singer(s)?: To many to count
Song?: Well...at the moment its a fan dubbed version of Monochrome no kiss
Book/Story?: Not sure
Color(s)?: Red, Blue, Green, Purplr, Black, Silver, Orange, Teal
Shape?: Cresent moon
Animal?: Cat no contest
Person(s)?: my husband
Smell?: Cherry blossom
Flower?: Forget-me-nots and white roses
Subject?: Art, science
Board: ....I'm afraid I don't have a favorite board.
Musical: Sweeny Todd
Sport?: badminton
Word?: Night
Quote?: "Now is the end of days, and I am the reaper." -silent hill movie
Hobby?: Video games, drawing, writing, origami, collecting various things
Store?: FYE, hottopic, spencers
Season?: summerfall
Time Of Day?: night

Worst Fear?: needles, spiders, leeches, lampray, ticks, porcelain dolls, it gets more rediculous from there...lol
Life Goal?: To make my husbnd happy
Greatest Accomplishment?: Getting married

Pepsi Or Coke?: Pepsi
McDonald's Or Burger King?: Burger King
Converse Or Vans?: Converse
Dogs Or Cats?: Cats. Again no contest
AIM, YIM Or MSN Messenger?: I use google hangouts
Chicken Or Fish?: chicken
Black Or White?: both
MTV Or FUSE?: idk what fuse is and I dont watch mtv so...adult swim
MP3 player, ipod or CD player?: I borrow my husbands ipod
Pants Or Shorts?: I hate my legs so pants

Day: Sleeping in, ordering in chinese with my husband and cuddling on the couch watching a movie
Room: plushies everywhere and a couple of swords in the far corner. Oh, and lots of books
Life: I have it
World: I have it
Romantic Date: A nice quiet evening alone with my husband

God?: Yes and no
Heavan & Hell?: yes an no
Angels & Demons?: -sighs- it depends
Reincarnation?: not exactly
Yourself?: sometimes
Ghosts?: I believe the proper term is earthbounds and yes.
UFOs?: no that's silly -_-
Big Foot?: If ufo's are silly to me...then how do you think I feel about this?
Lockness Monster?: -_- dude....no
A Thing Called Love?: Yes.

Kill Someone Else?: Outside of videogames no.
Kill Yourself?: No
Beg For Money?: No
Skydive?: >> hell no
Bunjee Jump?: Again. Hell no.
Make out in the rain?: =p I don't like rain
Run Away From Home?: How do you think I got to MD?
Ride A Motorcycle?: nope
Do Extreme Sports?: nope

Do You Own A Car?: No
Ever Been To Jail?: No
Ever Gotten Kicked out?: Kicked out of what exactly? School, house, the mall?
Do You Have A Job?: No v.v
Do You Like Taking Surveys Like This?: it helps pass the time

Are You Lonely?: no
Are You Sitting In A BeanBag Chair Eatin' Cheetos?: that's oddly detailed >>
Do You Feel The Urge To Send Me A Thousand Dollars?: If I had $1000 dollars I'd use it for a down payment on a new house.
Really?: yes
Do You Know Where That Comes From?: nope
How Many Licks Does It Take To Get To The Center Of A Tootsie Pop?: I dunno I never tested it
Is That Your Final Answer?: yes?
Are You Sure?: yes?
Postitive?: Sure why not
Glad That This Is Over?: I guess???