Mood: hyper
Hey guys! How are you? I'm posting just to let you guys know I designed a bit more of my fantasy self. I decided after much thought (aka thinking abou art while showering xD) that she will be a sorceress! She will also have a lovely kitty companion although I'm not sure what breed as of yet. All I know at this point is I want the kitty to be female lol.
As for looks/style I drew her in a school uniform for now. I havw things aren't decided on colors yet ^^;; (still a line drawing at this point) but I added a couple of things to give it more personality background wise. She's currently floating on a giant bubble in the clouds with her kitty partner. I'm not going to post it until I work everything out. I just thought I'd let you guys know how things are going with it and see what you think.