1)What is your oppinion on animal cruelty?
I think it's terrible! D:< Why would anyone want to hurt a poor little animal
2)If there wasn't friends and family in our lifes, what would our lives be worth?
Things would be very different....I don't think there would be any happiness. I think people would just simply exist.
3)If you can just correct one mistake in your life which one would you choose?
If I could pick one I think I would change not moving here with my husband sooner.
4)Would you rather be famous, Normal, Royal, Crazy, Rich, or just yourself?
I would rather be myself. I can't say I'm normal, royal, famous, or rich but why have all that when I can be myself and be happy? I like things the way they are ^^
5)Do you think Dinosaurs really excist? If you say yes why?
Do I think they exist? They did at one time but I don't think they do anymore. All we have now are their descendants.
6)They say we know more on what is on the surface of the moon then whats on the bottom of the sea, do you agree?
I agree. We haven't been to the deepest depths of the ocean as of yet.
7)If Superman is the strongest of all the Marvel characters then why does he have so many weaknesses?
I don't care much for superman >>
.....batman is way better.
8)If terminator and robocop ever be in a fight, who would win the battle?
I don't know robocop so I'm gonna say terminator
9)Name the 8 wonders of the world?
grand canyon, Niagara falls, pyramids of Giza, ummm....cant remember the rest xD
10)Bullies usually bully other kids becuase they have a low self asteem? true or false?
It's true =/ it makes them feel "powerful" or "better" to pick on those weaker than they are. This in turn makes them feel better about themselves.
11)Do you think they ever found Nemo?
As in the movie? Yes they did. Theres going to be a second movie if I'm not mistaken.
my questions:
1: What flavor suits your personality?
2: What is your favorite animal?
3: What season do you like best?
4: Who is your dream cosplay and why? (can be crossplay)
5: If you could live in one anime/manga world what would it be and why?
6: Who did you look up to as a child?
7: Do you believe in astrology?
8: Do you have any odd hobbies?
9: Is coffee or tea better?
10: Have you ever broken a rule? (be honest xD)
11: What's something silly you believed when you were little?
ok thats about it really ^^ so feel free to answer my questions or just read them ^^ my tag is optional this time