New icons, husbands at his new job, and I for some reason can't sleep! :'D

Hey guys! how is everyone doing?

I'll go in the same order as my tile lol So I have some very lovely new icons by XxArrancarFanxX ^^ so if you'd like to see them they're up in my new world The Pokemon Center ^^ They look amazing!

Today my husband started his new job at a university! He's so excited he invited us to have lunch with him today so he could show us his new office ^w^ So here in a few minutes I'll be leaving lol

Ok now heres the weird thing. Idk why bu I've been up since around 4 in the morning x.x I maybe napped for 30 minutes after that but I doubt it. Theres no reason why I shouldn't be able to sleep. No nightmares, the dogs were quiet, the neighbors were quiet for once, the train never went by, nothing. =/
I look like grumpy cat with these dark circles under my eyes xD but yeah so that's what's happened today so far lol
