Quiz time

borrowed from mangaandanimelover

1: The last person you kissed screams they love you, you say...
I love you too ^^

2: Did you get to sleep in today?
Nope had a job interview...barely slept at all ^^;;

3: You never know what you got until you lose it?
Well yes and no. I take care of my things though.

4: Do you have siblings?
By blood two half sisters. One I've met one I haven't. (My parents have questionable morals) Framily wise I have many siblings.

5: How many kids do you want?
.....I like kids but I don' want to have one. I've raised six in my 21 almost 22 years including myself. I don't feel te need to raise another.

6: Who was the last person you held hands with?
My husband

7: Did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss?
-_- are you calling me short?

8: Do you think if you died, the last person you kissed would care?
I would hope so. We are married after all.

9: Last person to talk on the phone?
Ummm...the lady for my interview.

10: Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?
The pup did, then she got jealous and pushed me out of the way so she could "kiss" my husband too >.<

11: When’s your birthday?
in 10 days

12: Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
Yesh -W-

13: What kind of phone do you have?
A cheap one xD

14: Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
A long pleated skirt actually.

15: Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago?
Oh yeah...

16: What were you doing at 4 am?
trying to sleep x.x

17: Would you rather write a paper or give a speech?
Well what's the topic? depending on what it is I can do either or.

18: Are you lying to yourself about something?
What would I lie to myself about?

19: Last night you felt…?
Angry -_-

20: What’s something you cannot wait for?
Getting a job ='D

21: Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere different?
How do you think I got to MD in the first place?

22: How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Not enough x.x I feel like a zombie and look like a raccoon

23: Are you a morning or night person?
Night person no question about it. It's more comfortable at night I think.

24: What did you get your last bruise from?
The dog probably xD she so clumsy and hard. I swear shes rock underneath her skin.

25: Do you reply to all of your texts?
I try my best.

26: Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?
Say hi like I always do. It's my husband after all xD

27: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?

28: Anyone you would like to get things straight with?

29: How many months until your birthday?
Are you not paying attention? I said 10 days earlier

30: Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
I don't really eat peanut butter much so I guess a peanut butter and honey sandwich ^^. If you've never tried it it's very good.

31: Did you like this past summer?
Sure I can't complain.

32: What were you doing before you got on the computer?
Washing dishes and killing a scary bug/million legged creature thing that was in the sink x.x

33: Your ex is sitting next to you, with their new partner. What do you do?
Well that's impossible. I don't have an ex

34: What is the last thing you said out loud?
"Zeus dammit Iris don't eat the couch!"

35: Your mood summed into one word?
Cake....(don't judge me! I like cake xD)

36: Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey?
Texting my friend Vegeta and my husband.

37: What are your initials?
You're getting a bit personal there buddy >>

38: Are you a happy person?
At the moment yes because I think I got the job.

39: Do you still talk to the person you liked 4 months ago?
Yes I'm married >>

40: Where do you want to live when you're older?

41: Have you had your birthday this year?
You're not good at listening are you?

42: What did you do yesterday?
read two volumes of sailor moon, vaccumed upstairs, cleaned my bedroom, scrubbed the floor twice -_-, bathed the dog, cleaned out the fridge, fixed the couch, got out the bags I'll need for the trip next week, lost my temper, ate chocolate ice cream, put clothes away afer washing them, went to a pet store, and got dog food. Not in that order.

43: What will you be doing tomorrow?
At this time hopefully sleeping

44: How late did you stay up last night?
11 to 11:30

45: Is there anyone you would do anything for?
Husband, friends, and framily.

46: Is it hard to make you laugh?
Depends on mymood really.

47: Do you believe ex’s can be just friends?
Idk never had one.

48: Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again?
Again >>
NEVER had one.

49: How many people have you had feelings for in the year of 2012?
I have feelings for everyone I care about. In what sense do you mean "feelings"? feeling in general, sexual feelings, complex feelings? compassionate feelings?

50: Do you wish your ex was dead?
You Sir and or Madam are a terrible listener and should be ashamed.

51: Have you ever dyed your hair?
Sweetie my hair has been every color of the friggin rainbow. I'm an emokid at heart.

52: Would ever take back someone that cheated?
That's not something I want to think about. It's not something I worry about. I trust my husband completely.

53: Was New Year’s Eve enjoyable?
I don't remember xD I was probably asleep.

54: Bet you’re missing someone right now?
My husband and my dear kitten Goku.

55: How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?
I don't know and I don't particularly care. What I do with my body is none of their Zeus damn business.

56: Sleep on your back or stomach?
My side =/ if I lay on my stomach I get a belly ache and if I la on my back it hurts when I get up.

57: If you could move away, no questions asked, where would it be ?
To Canada.

58: What would you change about your life right now?
Ok don't laugh or judge me but I think it would be amazing to have a tail. >> and a cute pair of kitty ears to match.

59: Has anything upset you in the past week?
>> -pokes dog- I wonder....

60: Are you on the phone?
texting. >> but I said that already.

61: Today, would you rather go forward a week or back?
forward. I'd like to be 22 now.

62: Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?
We have a smart car so we have no need for a second car. I'd take the money so we could find a new house ^^

63: Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
I can't remember a time when my mother wasn't high -_-

64: Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone?

65: Have you ever copied someone else's homework?
Math xD

66: Are you the type of person who likes to be out or at home?
I like both really. It's nice to get out of the hose sometimes but it's also nice to cuddle on the couch and play gears of war with my husband ^^

67: Do you automatically check your phone when you wake up?
Nope it's off at night I turn it on once my husband leaves for work in case he needs something.

68: Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone?
Maybe its hard to say I have a terrible memory xD

69: Could you use some sleep right now?
Oh god yes o.o sleep would be amazing

70: Are you going to have a baby by the time you’re 18?
>> I'm 21, married, and no baby. Don't plan on having one either. We're thinking about aopting but it won't be a baby. It will be at the very youngest 2.

71: Does it bother you when someone hides things from you?
oh yeah

72: What’s your favorite color?
Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Black, Silver, Orange, Teal

73: Have you ever slept in the same room with someone you liked?

74: Have you ever been looking for something and it was already in your hand?

75: Do you get annoyed easily?
Generally no.

76: If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you?
Yes I suppose I'd want to know.

77: Do you have a person of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to?

78: Does anyone call you babe?
My husband on occasion.

79: How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
A couple of close friends and my husband

80: What do you prefer, relationship or one night stand?
Relationship...why would you want the other?

81: What color hoodie did you wear last?
Jack Sparrow.

82: Is there someone who meant alot to you at one point, and isn’t around anymore?
............yeah but that's pretty painful to remember
