Hey guys ^^ how are you? I decided I wanted to try something fun to make me feel a little better about something. (having trouble with my friends off line...) So I decided to try another voice meme =D so any questions you have for me please feel free to ask ^^ anime, video game, movies, books whatever you wanna ask feel free to ask ^^ so long as the questions are within reason and not to incredibly personal. So yeah have fun with it ^^
Usa out!
Update =D
I think I'll keep this meme open till friday so feel free to ask as many questions as you like until then ^^ Also thank you to those of you who are participating in the meme ^^ I might do a small prize thing for those of you who ask questions just to make it fun ^^ maybe like fan art or something like that ^^ So have fun with it guys I know I will =^-^=
Update 2 =D
Awesome guys keep the questions coming ^^ I just thought I'd give you a bit of an update =^-^= its cosplay/halloween news actually ^^ I think I'm going as Stocking Anarchy for halloween this year ^^ (now if I could just talk my husband into buying me the hair dye xD) So if I can get the costume together I'll post pictures for you guys ^^ (My eyes are the wrong color so don't pay attention to that detail lol) so yeah ^^ Stocking for halloween. I think my husband said he wanted to be scruffy from futurama xD so he might do that or he might change his mind lol but yeah theres a little update for you ^^
thanks for reading ^^ you guys are awesome!
Usa out!
final update! =^-^=
hey guys ^^ just letting you know todays the last day o ask questions ^^ tomorrow morning I'll make the voice meme and put it up for you guys =D
thats about it ^^
Usa out!