wasted time for my interview -_-

I don't mean to sound bitchy or like a spoiled brat or anything but today didn't turn out so well. For a while know I had been emailing a nursing home near here about a job opening they had posted of their site. I was interested because it's in the next town over where my husband works now and it was the same shift. Naturally, I jumped all over that. If I could get that job it would be perfect. We'd have more money, we'd work the same hours, we'd get off work at the same time, P-E-R-F-E-C-T.

So I emailed them a couple times saying I'm interested. Finally I got an interview. I was really excited when they called me asking when I could come for an interview. Practically bouncing off the walls even. I called my husband on his lunch break to let him know about the good news.

-fast forward to today-

I go to my interview all excited/slightly nervous. After the interviews over and they tell me it went very well they say "Oh by the way we gave the day shift position away to a night shift girl so if you get the job you'd be on evening or night shift is that ok?" My head was screaming "No you idiot that's not ok I applied for a DAY SHIFT for a reason!" but I said "I'm not sure that will work, my husband works on day shift and that's the reason I wanted this position so much. We'd have the same hours and be working in the same general area. It would be better for us to have the same shift." I explained it nicely and without any snarky attitude. "Well, that's not possible what other shift could you work? Is evening ok?" the more we talked the more they wanted to push me of evening shift...if that happens I'd never get to see my husband so if they call back I might tell them no.
