So we didn't go looking for costumes today v.v but today was still pretty awesome regardless. Went looking for houses, had Chinese for lunch~, visited the pet store >w<. I held a cocker spaniel pup~ he was adorable. He had one brown eye and one blue. Along with some pretty odd coloration in his fur. Oh and I held a little black bunny too. It was licking my fingers ^^
We also stocked up on some supplies for Hope's baby shower....god I feel sorry for the kid and he isn't even born yet. Hope is my husband's cousin...she doesn't even take care of her first kid. My husband and I practically watched her the ENTIRE vacation -_- not that I mind though. Lora is a good kid. She calls me kitty though xD. He heard my husband say I caught a mouse with my hands and since then I've been kitty lol. Apparently that name suits me very well xD
Anyway that's about all that happened today besides paying bills lol so yeah ^^ theres an update. Costumes have been moved to next week. ^^
Thanks for reading you guys are awesome!
Usa out!