psst its happening today >>

Guess what I just baked and pulled out of the oven? The cake! Its cooling now ^^ in a few minutes I'll start shaping it to look like the tardis >w< I just hope my husband likes it when its all done. Hopefully you guys will like it too ^^

I'll post pictures as I piece it all together so you guys can see how I made it



so here are the pictures ^^;; not as good as I would have liked it to be but I tried my best (please don't make fun of my terrible work T-T I really tried)

External Image Heres the first step shaping the cake...totally off center I know x.x I didn't realize it until it was too late

External Image the second step icing. I know its not the right shade of blue =/ the frosting would take anymore dye. I used half my blue food coloring and that's as dark as I could get it v.v

External Image step three finished product....I know its off looked better until the dog crashed into the table before the icing had time to set v.v I really tried though I really did >.<
