Beware Usa hasn't had much sleep! xD
Mood: sleepyish/kinda crazy
Hey guys how are you? I hope everyone's had a better nights sleep than me. =/ I dunno why but I was having weird dreams all night and didn't rest well. Not that they were scary or anything just...weird. Like Alice in wonderland weird.
Besides that I have some good news ^^. My account seems to be working better here so I should be posting more stuff here. I'm sure you've noticed some things already ^^ but I'm going to try and add stuff more often. Which means (hopefully) more fan art ^^ I do enjoy drawing its just so rare that I'm happy with my work anymore =/ I don't know why but I'm just not v.v
Anyway that's about it for news at this point I'd just like to remind you to check out my last post ^^ and ask all the questions you like! I think I'll leave it up for about two weeks maybe longer. But yes, please ask as many questions as you like ^^
Usa out!