meme about me =o

Stolen....borrowed from: ElementalNinja

Full Name: I'll give you my first name its Kayla ^^ forgive me but I have had problems in the past giving out my full name...

Addiction: Chocolate, candy, stripped clothes, kitties xD, hot tea, anime, manga, and cuddles =D

How Tall Am I: I'm taller than Edward that's what matters!

Girl I Trust Most: My dear sister Anna~

Boy I Trust Most: My husband ^^

Last Person I Hugged: My husband again =^-^=

Favorite Color(s): Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Black, Silver, Orange, Teal

Someone Who Is Always There For Me: My husband, My aunt Sabrina, Anna, you guys -w-

Do I Miss My Last Relationship?: Umm last? I'm in the only relationship I've ever been in if you do indeed mean a romantic one.

My Crush: I'm married xD I don't have a crush.

Who Makes Me Laugh: Husband, dogs, Anna, you guys ^^

Everyone I Love: Husband, aunt, sister, and all my lovelies here!

One Person I'm Scared To Lose: My husband...I don't know what I'd do without him

Who I Do The Craziest Things With: Anna definitely xD we goof off a lot when we get together

Who Make Me Smile: All my lovelies and my new family ^^

What I'm Listening To: Pikmin 3 xD

Who I Hate: Its best I leave this blank...

What I Wish I Can Change: Well I have horrible balance so....a tail would be nice
