Scary incident and phobia problems...

This post is going to have some details in it that may upset those with weak stomachs...if you have a weak stomach please stop reading here. I'd hate to make you sick =x

Alright this story begins around 10:45ish last night. We let the pittbull outside to do her thing before bed. Nothing out of the ordinary. Hooked to her lead like normal, she went and did her thing like normal, came in without a fuss and went straight to her cage. It wasn't till a couple of minutes later I noticed a puddle of blood in the floor.

While the dog was outside my husband and I were goofing off in the kitchen throwing snowballs at each other...yes in the house xD. Its to cold outside lol so I yelled for him to make sure he was ok. Because my first thought was he hurt himself when he fell in the kitchen while goofing off. It wasn't from him...I wasn't in pain but I checked myself to make sure I was ok. And I am, so that had to mean it was the dog. We hadn't let the cocker out yet.

My husband checked the dog and sure enough, she cut her back right pad pretty deep. The bottom corner of the pad was hanging off...shes fine now so don worry but she scared us pretty good. She stayed upstairs with us last night to make my husband feel better about it. I acted pretty calm while everything was happening but after all was said and done the smell got to me.

I won't go into detail because its rather personal and painful to talk about...especially around this time of year. You see, my grandfather died a few years ago around christmas time in a very bloody way. No he wasn't murdered or anything horrible like that but it was...scary. There was a lot of blood everywhere and seeing the dog's blood reminded me of that....and the smell really got to me later. I didn't sleep much at all last night because of that. So I have to ask, does anyone know a better why to deal with hemophobia? I've kind of been ignoring it up until now or flat out trying to avoid situations dealing with it. So if you know a good way to deal with that please let me know.

Anyway that was my night last night x.x I'm exhausted and I might take a nap now

Usa out!
