Hello my lovelies! I want to start out by saying thank you to everyone who commented on my last post yesterday. It really, really means a lot that you guys care so much ^^ (and put up with me breaking down into whiny fits of rage xD) So thank you so much for listening and trying to calm me down ^^ I feel much better today (excluding my finger its still sore to the touch >.<) we even took a mini day trip together.
You see, I guess you could call him my grandfather it in law (is that the proper term? xD) had to get new dentures in a couple cities over so we all drove down with him to get them molded ^^ which took about four hours to finish ^^;; Once they were molded we headed over to the local mall to roam around for a bit. I FOUND A HOTTOPIC CLOSER TO ME THAN PITTSBURGH!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! =DDDD I didn't buy anything but I found it >w< it was about an hour to an hour and a half drive so I caught some Z's along the way too ^^ it was a nice day (excluding the frigidly cold weather x.x I still can't feel my toes) everyone mellowed out and had a good time. That means my mini explosion that happened yesterday won't happen again ^^ (or if it does not for a long, long time ^^)
I also came to terms with something today. The joke has been made many times and by many people that I'm a female Edward Elric. In the past I could never see why (probably out of denial looking back on it xD) but today while I was reading the manga in the mall...I came across a passage in the manga that reminded me so myself and my sister Anna. We're not really related but we look after each other as if we were. Shes always keeping me inline and calming me down when I need it. That's when I saw it....I could see the connection everyone made. If I'm Edward shes without a doubt my Alphonse. So a lot of things happened today ^^