Thank you all (update)

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented and supported me in my last post. Thank you very much it really, really means a lot. Like I said I've lost a lot of friends because of that and its just amazing to know you guys aren't mad about or don't flat out hate me for it. I don't think I'll be ready for that for some time yet seeing as it makes me this nervous still...but thank you very much for all the support ^^ I feel so much better getting that off my chest and knowing I'm not a complete freak helps

So again, thank you so very much everyone. I really appreciate it ^^

Now on to a more normal topic for me ^^;; I'm feeling a lot better emotionally. Physically not so much =x with the weird weather of warm to cold back to warm and freeze your boobs off cold again I seem to have a bit of a cold =p or something of the sort. So Im kinda stuffy and sound funny xD on the plus side I get to drink lots of orange juice ^^ so I'm happy

I'll have a gift for you guys later but right now everythings down v.v so it might take a while...

Usa out!

(I found this the other day and thought I'd share it xDDD)


We ordered in tonight after a long day of packing up family pictures and decorations. I got a fortune cookie that really made me think. It was something along the lines of "You should learn to follow the advice you give others." I thought about it, and the cookie is right. All the problems I was having yesterday...if I could follow the advice I give everyone here it wouldn't have bothered me so much. It's funny how something so small can make you think like that you know? So I'm going to try ^^ I'm going to try and follow my own advice.
