Hurgle blurgle!

Hello my lovelies. I bet you're wondering what the title of this post means. It's a word my husband and I made to explain a certain situation. It basically means you want to do something, you know how to do that something, you know you can do that something, but life throws hurdles at you and you end up crashing and burning. That is what hurgle blurgle means.

That's kinda how I feel today really =/ I just feel like everything I try to do today hasn't panned out. But I'm not going to get into that because I don't want to rant on here more than I already do >.< I feel like I do that a lot now. So instead I think I'll throw this out there...I will be working n all the challenges, and pokemon center stuff I said I would be working on this week. I've got some really good ideas for all of i so far. I'd love to make my trainer into a sprite but I have no idea ho to do so >.< (although I did learn how to make a trainer card so yay xD)

The only non nerdy thing that's really changed in my life right now is The loan guy is really pushing to close the house as soon as possible for us but we can't get the paper he says he needs to complete the closing...there in-lies part of my hurgle blurgle. -sighs- Life can be really frustrating sometimes. Oh well I'm gonna go clean the house some more and hopefully not go crazy while doing so! Wish me luck my lovelies
