Where to begin...first off, hello my lovelies. I sincerely hope you've had a better past few days than I have. Its been one hell of an emotional roller coaster. I'm happy one minute, to seriously considering bashing someone with my war spoon next. Let me back up a bit and give you the full run down of it all.
So last Friday we were supposed to get the cable and internet transferred to the new house. No big deal. Awesome. I said here from 12 (when the guy should have been here till almost three...but I could let that slide. Everyone runs late now and then right? Zeus knows I have. When the guy does finally show up he can't do anything because the lady that set up the appointment didn't tell us we had to bring equipment too -_- so I waited in this cold house for three flippin hours for nothing. I got the appointment switched fort the next day.
We were moving stuff in the house that morning anyway so I figured "why not? whats the worst that could happen?" the guys late again, connected the cable/internet, replaced the modem, ran cable....but he gave us the wrong modem and the internet was crawling slower than a dying slug...so we had to get another modem...
Yesterday Hope pushes our hands and starts moving into the other house and forcing us to crowd everything we own here even faster than we wanted. We asked her to only bring a couple of things for us and to NOT TOUCH certain things...what does she do? Touch everything we asked her not to, start packing everything without us there and without asking, put a hole in our new walls, and I know I'm forgetting more...
So now we come to the house problems. We were told that EVERYTHING worked. That EVERYTHING was in good condition. That there would be NO problems moving in. Its move in ready. -takes a deep breath to calm down a bit- the house couldn't be further from that if it tried. The basement is flooded, the kitchen sink and washer pipes are so clogged up they don't drain right, somethings wrong with the dish washer, the hot water barely trickles out of the tub upstairs, the upstairs bathroom sink runs in the floor, the kitchen fan has a short in it, the downstairs doesn't have heat, one of the kitchen drawers is broken without a track to run on, there's no spouting on the covered patio so its one big sheet of ice, and a small water heater....
The guy that sold us this house fixes up houses for a living...a LIVING. Like my husband said is amateur hour here. It's beyond ridiculous! Not to mention the people who lived here before us left the house smelling like dog pee! We bought this house and spent as much money as we did so we wouldn't have these problems...a lot of good that did us.