-sighs- what a tiring day

Hello my lovelies how are you today? Im pretty beat after all thats happened today ^^;; First off, because I was so excited about getting the job I got the time wrong and showed up about 40 minutes early, Tons of paper work but go figure lol, roughly 20 multiple choice tests not including all the pretests, half way through the tests my mother in law called saying she had chest pain and was on her way to the ER (shes fine now. They arent exactly sure what caused it yet. Shes in observation for the night just in case something shows up. Personally I think its stress =/ sheever takes a break) I had to get a shot T.T -hates needles- then had to ride home with Hope......-totally still mad she called me fat-

Anyway ^^;; how has your day been guys? Im kinda beat lol being worried and taking all those tests takes it out of you you know?
