Heres a little update for the lovelies. My job isnt what I thought it would be. Ive actually started looking in other places (like the hospital). But for the moment I can manage. People are getting upset because the residents on their sections started asking for me instead of they started getting me in trouble. I actually have a write up because they didnt take someone off the bed pan after I told them about it and went down to lunch. But whatever.
On the plus side, there will be a vet assistant class at the college ^^ guess who will be there? Thats right. Me ^^ the bunny. This is the chance Ive been waiting for. Becoming a vet or at least getting my foot in the door to getting there is a dream. I cant wait to get there. Ive never had the chance because there arent any vet schools near me...but now I have a chance and Im going for it.