
Hello everyone ^^ how are you? Im pretty awesome today. I had to work today cause I called off last sunday...cause you know...I couldnt breathe (still got in trouble at work for that btw) but Im doing much better now ^^ my chest still feels heavy but my cough is almost gone. I still cant move to fast but hey, Im not hacking my brains out so Im happy ^^

I just thought Id update and say Im applying at the hospital because my job is getting...stupid. =p So Im going to apply for the hospital and take my vet assistant class >w< I cant waitfor that Im so excited! Animals are so much fun to take care of ^^ plus, Im not worried about rhe biting and scratching. The pup pretty much has me used to that lol (she doesnt realize how big she is)

I think Ill leave this random post with a question. If you could change something about yourself what would it be and why? Ill give my answer in my next post or in the comments.

Usa out!
