Tagged by Judai ^^
Rule one: Always post the rules.
Rule two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write eleven new ones.
Rule three: Tag as many people as possible and let them know you tagged them!!
Questions from Judai:
1. In what anime world would you love to live in and why?
Oh god this is a tough one...can I give multiple answers? One world Id love to live in is the Soul Eater world. My reason being its such an interesting idea. Being totally honest, I didnt give it much of a chance at first, but my little brother said "no Usagi you gotta try this one its right up your alley." Later Okami said the same thing. Now I absolutely love the series. And lets face it, who doesnt want to meet Death the Kid? XD hes my favorite.
Another choice would be the world of Air Gear. I love the idea of people not having powers, but using their own unique abilities as individuals to become better and better at something they all love. Even the idea of Air Trecks amazes me. How they can reach high speeds, climb walls, grind fences, and even give you the freedom and feeling of flying...that...that is amazing.
2. What or who inspired you to join theOtaku.com?
Actually, years ago I was part of MyOtaku before it and TheOtaku split apart. I deleted my account because my parents gave me a really hard time about talking to other otakus. Going to the schools I went to in NC, no one else really knew what anime was...they all just thought it was porn you know? I wanted to find something in common with somebody. Maybe vent a little about how craptastic things were growing up for me. Once I moved to my second highschool there was an anime club so even though I deleted my account I still had people around me who liked the same sort of stuff I did. I rejoined here years later because I remembered how amazingly sweet and supportive everyone here was to me when I was younger. Its like a big family here and I missed that so here
I am ^^
3. What anime character do you relate to the most and why?
This one will be a big shocker but I feel very close to Akito/Agito from AirGear. Not that I have a split personality or anything]/SPOILER] but growing up I had a really hard time. I had two boys to take care of that became so close to me they became family, my younger sister (eleven years between us), school, pressure from my parents to do well or they wouldnt consider me part of the family, and babysitting them when they drank to much or took to much drugs. My home life sucked and ultimately drove me to become a vicious person who lashed out and pushed everyone way. Very similar to Agito. Agito came into existance to protect Akito. Once he realized what his older brother was using him for he kind of shut down. Agito took over as a sort of dark guardian angel to keep him safe.
I feel close to them because of how they descrided themselves with a childrens story. They spoke of a frog in a well. The well was so deep the opening looked very small. The frog would look out of the opening into the sky. He could see the vastness, the depth of the sky. He yearned to get out of the well but didnt have the ability. One day a bird broke down the walls of the well and rescued him.
Akitos bird was Ikki. I feel close to tht because emotionally, I put myself in that well too growing up. I hid from everything and eveyone so I wouldnt crack under all the pressure I was under. Then sure enough, one day a bird found me too. He demolished the walls of the well and put up with my awful attitude, he rescued me just as the bird did the frog and Ikki did for Akito. Now Im happy, and bubbly like Akito again and its all thanks to Okami. But honestly, those two, will always be my favorite because we are so similar.
4. Is there a magical power or ability you've always dreamed of having?
Yes actually. Ive dreamed of having many ^^ if you listen to Okami hell tell you I already have one. He says I can talk to cats xD in all seriousness though, I think Id like the ability to transform into something spectacular and help right all the wrongs in this world.
5. Is there any place you've always wanted to visit or explore, anywhere in the world?
Id love to go to the cherry blossom festival in Japan, or to London.
6. Have you ever wanted to meet somebody famous living or passed? If so who is it and why?
If I had the chance I would have loved to meet Robin Williams. Hes always been a dear favorite of mine.
7. Name your favorite anime opening song here :) Mine's JOINT by Mami Kawada from Shakugan no Shana, what's yours?
Without a doubt Black Paper Moon from soul eater.
8. What anime is your ALL Time favorite?
Oh god >.< such hard questions Judai. Probably Yu Yu Hakusho. I watch it from start to finish about once a year. I love it dearly.
9. Name one character to go with you on vacation. (Any character from any genre)
Can I choose Jack Skellington? I think that would be a blast! I mean, could you imagine? That would be so much fun ^w^ if I cant choose him Id go with Eevee and never let it go~ its so damn cute!
10. What anime introduced you to the world of anime and manga?
My first was Sailor Moon and Pokemon..
11. Favorite anime ending song?
Still doll from vampire knight. I have it memorized xD
12. What do you think of me? :3
I think youre a very kind, sweet, smart, and caring person ^^ not to mention fun to talk to. Youre also very respectful and respect is something thats sadly lacking in people today. Never change Judai youre awesometastic!
My questions:
1) would you rather be very tall or very short?
2) What is your favorite clothing style?
3) If given the chance to become a magical girl/boy (hey it happens) would you? If so what would your powers be and why?
4) Is there a character you looked up to or still look up to? If so who?
5) What series be it anime or manga is the most important to you and why?
6) If you could recreate the world to your liking, what would it be like and why?
7) Can you dance?
8) Why is anime and manga important to you?
9) Pick you dream vacation spot and five characters to do with you. Describe the vacation and all its awesomness.
10) have you ever tried Ramune?
11) favorite breakfast food?
I tag....well amyone who would like to join in the fun ^^