Quiz meme

1. Who is your favorite anime character?
Oh god dont make me choose just one....and favorite for what reason? If its just favorite for the sake of favorites its probably Vash or Edward.

2. What is your favorite food.
Anything that doesnt ve strawberries or mushrooms.

3. Do you like chicken? xD
Oh course. How does one live without it?

4. What weapon will you use for the zombie apocalypse
Inuyasha's sword easy. Being able take out hundreds of demons in a single swing...just imagine oow many zombies it could kill.

5. Are a cat person or a dog person?
So a cat person. Dogs are nice, but confusing.

6. What is your favorite color?
I have my own rainbow of colrs. Red, ble, green, purple, black, silver, orange, and teal.

7. what is your favorite thing to do in summer?
Marathon anime, read manga, play games, sleep in, and play badminton.

8. Do you think kids are cute or annoying?
Im....not a kid person. Ive raised five...Im not doing it again.

9. are you bored?
Nah just resting after this weekend.

10. what is your favorite thing to do in THEO
Talking with you guys of course ^^ and browsing through the art

11. do you like mustaches?
Im not to big on them although, the mustashe flash drives are awesome xD stache you files in a safe place....xD bad I know

1. What is something that you like about yourself, physically?
Ummm....idk =

2. What is one thing you like about yourself, personality-wise?
Umm well I guess my sense of humor?

3. What is one thing you hope to change or improve about yourself?
Lose somw weight so people will stop asking if Im pregnant -_-

4. Favorite season and why?
Im torn between summer and fall. I love summer because I love the heat. But I also love fall because of the colors and halloween.

5. What random everyday thing makes you nostalgic and why?
Rereading favorite books

6. Have you attended college/do you plan to/are you attending college now?
I graduated with a cna certificate and Im currently working on a vet assistant

7. What is your dream job and why?
Vet assistant or a Vet. I love animals and love helping them.

8. Imagine you're having a baby. What will be its name if it's a girl? Why?
-sighs- no kids for me...thats a personal fear

9. And what if it's a boy? Again, why did you choose that name?
See above answer....

10. And what about middle names? And again, why?
............no kids.

11. What's your worst habit and do you plan to try to change?
Working to hard and I better change it cause if not Ill end up in the ER again ^^;;
