Hey guys its Usagi. Im sorry I havent been on much as of late. Ive been incredibly busy with the house, work, school and clinicals.....then last week I was in a car crash. Okami and I are fine...for the most part. Sore and bruised but nothing to serious. Weve just been resting since it happened. It aggravated my wrist so now its even worse. Im just tired all the time now. Like I have to take breaks in activities I could normally do without breaking a sweat. Its just kinda...depressing.
I get a little upset with myself but I guess it could be much worse. Okamis got a displaced vertebrae, and Ive got a seven day headache, dizzy spells, back pain, and just over all body weakness....not sure a out the car though. It looks totaled but we dont know if theres frame damage or not yet.
I didnt mean to worry you guys or anything. I just, I just havent felt like myself lately. I havent really felt up to logging on lately and for that Im sorry. I just felt defeated. I still kinda feel that way. Im sitting in physical therapy now getting my arm worked on. Its weird not being able to do everything I used to.