Last call

i think nichole has the right idea here. I think i need to do something to get my mind off all the crap bothering me. How about a voice meme guys? I have voice recorder pro now. Ive tested it and it works very well. You can ask me anything at All I don't mind. If you wanna ask a really personal question feel free, you wanna ask me what my favorite sandwich is, thats cool too. ill answer any and all questions you throw at me. Lets make this fun and distracting! Im thinking Ill leave it open until Monday. Have fun guys and sorry about stealing your idea Nichole >.<



Hello lovelies Im closing this monday morning so if you have any questions for me please get them in before then ok?


Update 2:

Hello again lovlies. I just wanted to say I love the questions so far ^^ its going to be a lot of fun answering all of them. I hope you enjoy all of my answers.


Update 3:

Hello lovelies Im bumping this one more time, so anyone who wants to ask questions can. I hope everythings going well for you guys. My shower/tub combo just cracked -_- I really hope everyones got better luck than I do...have a good day guys.


Questions so far:


1. What anime would you recommend to me? I'm looking for new titles.

2. Can you sing the Jigglypuff song?

3. If Clefairy had a signature song, what would it sound like?

4. This might be a little personal, so you don't have to answer this if you don't want to. I read your "About Me" post, and you said that your religion is Islam. Considering that you're part Cherokee, were you born with that religion or did you convert? If you converted, why? I hope that wasn't offensive; I didn't mean it to be, and I apologize if it was.

5. What's your favorite movie?

6. Do you prefer live action movies or animated ones?

7. Ever played an instrument?


1. What kind of music do you like to listen to?
2. Do you enjoy Japanese music? If so, have you heard of Itou Kashitarou?
3. If you were to make a Pokemon game, what would the title be? (it can be a color)
4. Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Judai Winchester:

Hi I'd like to ask you a few questions if that's ok.
1. When did you first start watching/liking Sailor Moon?
2. What inspired you to join theOtaku?
3. Which anime character do you relate to the most?
4. What kind of movies do you like to watch?
5. Here's a bit of a personal one; name 1 thing about yourself you like and one thing (if anything) about your past that you wish you could change.
7. How is your room decorated? Any posters, figures, or nice paintings?
8. What do you think of me? (Sorry I couldn't think of something else)


1.) What is your... favorite sandwich? :'D

2.) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

3.) What are your favorite beverages?

4.) Do you have any plushies?

5.) Do you have any "ships" or "OTP's"?

6.) Do you have any anime/manga/video game crushes?

7.) What is your favorite genre of video games?

8.) Which is your favorite Pokemon Region? (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, or Kalos?)

9.) If you could be any Pokemon, which one would you be and why?

10.) Have you ever played any of the "Tales of" games? If so, which ones? (I can't remember if you told me or not. xD)
