Tagged again lol

Judai tagged me again. i swear you have the best timing ever Judai. Today was stupid beyond belief at work today. Anywho, heres my answers

My Questions
1. Is there an anime guy or girl you have a crush on? Or maybe real life celebrity?
Not really. There are chatacters I admire but not in the "oh my god hes so hot" kind of admire but more for character attributes. Like Green for instance, it doesnt matter how many times you as the player beat him, he gets right back up, kicks some serious ass and becomes champion just like he said he would. That is determination. I kinda wish ai could be that determined about things but I give up to easily =p

2. Which anime character do you relate to? Can be more than one, I personally relate to Judai from GX the most.
I think I answered this in the last one lol I relate to sooo many characters but for different things. Does that make sense?

3. What or who inspired you to draw?
Back in my elementary days, I had a rival in life. She was a stuck up rich girl that had freakin everything given to her on a silver platter. She had everything she could ever want and rubbed it in everyones faces. What pissed me off was she had talent out the wazoo to boot. So I made it my goal to be better at her at something. So, I started drawing. The little wretch is still better than me but I still feel like I beat her in one aspect of life so Im happy. Kind of a silly reason to start drawing but hey I do it to enjoy it now.

4. If you could live in an anime universe, where would it be? I'd live in Yu-Gi-Oh GX so I could attend Duel Academy. :)
-thinks super hard until brain starts smoking- either hellsing ultimate or vampire knight....I wanna be a vampire! XD omg could you inagine?

5. Is there an anime opening you'd like to change and swap out for another song?
The opening to one piece. It should be the "hes a pirate" song lol I thought it would be amusing.

6. Is there an anime character that is like you? Did they have similar experiences like yours?
Well sort of....but if I explain this post is gonna get real heavy real quick >.< umm....idk lol maybe any of the school life characters. All I do is go to work and college lol

7. What about anime or manga inspires you?
I think its a beautiful art form that can portray every emotion. But more than that, its something Ive always used as an escape. If Im feeling down Ill pull up an old favorite and benge watch it. In a few minutes Im happy and laughing again. Same goes for manga. Its just so easy to get lost in the stories that all the negative or bad feelings you were feeling melts away.

8. What do you think about me? (Couldn't think of anything else)
i know I answered this one in the last set ^^

Now for my questions:

Do you have a favorite anime movie?

Is there any opening or ending theme you know by heart and can sing?

If you were a fruit what would you be and why?

Would you be able to face your greatest fear?

Which power would you rather have, Thors, or Lokis?

What kind of person do you see youeself as?

If I hugged you right now, what would you do?

Last question x.x I cant think of anything else...if you could be anything other than human, what would you be and why?

im tagging...ummm....I dont remember who Ive tagged and who I havent at this point xD anyone who wants to be tagged can be tagged I guess
