Hello lovelies. How are you? I've been bumping around life lately, some things good and some bad. My cousin is planning her wedding a year in advance, I put in a formal complaint against the admin because I'm finally tired of his funky bull shrimp, I'm working on prizes and another piece that sort of walked into my mind, and preparing for my wedding anniversary ^^ I've been a busy bunny lol
I'm not thrilled to be back to 8 hours at work, but my doctor visit went ok. My range of motion isn't great still and my strength is poo, but I am greatly improving! Still waiting to hear about the complaint but hey, at least I worked up the nerve one last time to try and fix it before leaving.
My cousin is getting married next October and she's buying her decorations now and shopping for a wedding dress. I can't say I approve of her man of choice, but it's not my place to judge. I just feel he's a bit to sneaky...not that I have evidence but still. I do hope I'm wrong and they have a long happy, healthy marriage ^^
As for my anniversary, Okami is taking me somewhere out of town tomorrow afternoon and we won't be back till Wednesday night ^^ I don't know what he has planned but I'm super excited!!!
Umm I'm not sure what else to say really so yeah, that's been my life in a nutshell