Ahhhhhhh......didn't have coffee at all yesterday and hadn't had any so far. I did sleep a LOT better last night and my chest doesn't hurt as much now. I just sorta feel weird I guess. Like, I have energy mentally my bodies tired. It's a weird feeling lol
So the roll still sums up my feelings right now. Enjoy the adorable akatsuki roll.
As far as sleeping goes it was 100x more restful but I ad weird nightmares part of the night. Faceless people chasing me...everyone say thank you to the no sleep subreddit.
So it's almost October and I'm feeling the horror bug settle into my mind again. My goal? To watch all the marble hornet videos....I got so paranoid a couple years go I never finished them so, I'm picking them up again. I STRONGLY ADVISE younger viewers to stay away from these videos. I don't want to be responsible for giving you nightmares. That's about it really lol oh! Wait! Do t forget about my challenge! It's ending soonish