Ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and ghouls,
Usagi is back, and my life is back on track! Things were pretty rough there for a while and I was honestly pretty unstable emotionally. But, my grandmother is back home safe and sound. I was super worried because I know she has bone cancer and I thought that's why she was in the hospital, and I live very far away so I couldn't go see her. I was terrified she wasn't doing well because of that. But, as it turns out, she's a stubborn old goat and didn't want to go to the doctor because of a small stomach Ulster. It got so painful she couldn't move so then she went to the doctor. -_- I don't like doctors either, but damn....she scared the life out of me.
For whatever reason I was also having vivid nightmares about my deceased grandparents, and their deaths being my fault. Old war buddies of my grandpa came over and I some how offended them and they slaughtered them....the. flashes of their real deaths went through my head before I woke up. It was unsettling. I don't blame myself for their deaths at all. There was no way it was my fault you know? My grandmother passed away from congestive heart failure and my grandfather from mesothelioma. Two things no human could possibly give to another person. Not sure why I dreamt those things =/
Maybe the stress of three tests in one week got to me, idk. Anyway, things are much better now. I feel like an awful weight has been listed off my chest. I'm breathing easier and my emotions are in check ^^ well as much as they can be during shark week I cleaned out my closet and handbag collection and sent four full trash bags to goodwill and two full bags to the animal shelter full of blankets for the animals. It was amazing. As soon as I stepped out of the car the cats swarmed me xD it was awesome!!!
I managed to write a short story too that might get published in the college library of student work so that's cool. My costume is almost finished too so prepare for selfie spam! Lol xD omg I'm in such a good mood today considering. Oh! I got a new stitch shirt over the weekend too! I may do a stitch selfie for the hell of it. I'm also thinking of doing a Usagi style comic of "a day in Usagi's life" and post it here for funsies. Although, I'm thinking of putting it in a video from because I'm over flowing with creativity right now.
Holy crap, long post is long. Sorry for the book post guys, but I'm pretty sure that's everything lol if you read all this nonsense you deserve an Usagi style hug! Super Usagi hug of Wondah!!! just so you know, my hug is the one in the background. It's the only proper way to hugs your friends.