Hello, and welcome to Cuteness Killz. This is your host, Rishi. Nice to see j00, and welcome!
This is a site for HANI, an OC that inhabits the Naruto world. Here people will post stories on Hani, pictures of Hani, and their thoughts on Hani, since comments can only go so far. XD
Hani's Story~sadsadsadsaaad
A Hani Christmas Story
The Hani chronicles
Yeah! So, if you wanna be a guest poster, just ask Rishi. Rishi shall let j00 post lots.
So! Go wild, and remember--cuteness can kill, but we don't mind. Cause it's just too freaking cute.
Hey, everyone! Rishi's back! Again! Muahahahaha! PHER MAI SKETCHBOOK OF DOOOM!!! 3VIL L33T.
Okay. Rishi's done.
NEEEWAYYS, Rishi has some questions for you all on Rishi's OC, Hani.
Rishi's been wondering latley...is Hani a Mary Sue? What are some things Rishi can do to improve Hani? Do you really WANT to know more about Hani?
That tis all. Please answer Rishi's questions~Rishi's desperate to know~
~Rishi, teh genki girl~
So! Everyone, here are the two questions that CrimsonANBU and SaxGal asked Hani!
Crimson ANBU asks...
What does Hani call Naruto? :D
Narutoniichan. That was easy...er then pie
SaxGal asks...
what does Hani use the Hani box for?
Sitting in! What else?
Well, that's all the questions in the comment box for now! GIVE MOAR QUESTIONS FOR HANI!!! XDXD
Merry Christmas~<3 Rishi is going to go eat candy
~Rishi, teh genki girl~
Hey, everyone! Rishi's been trying to post in this world for awhile, but whenever Rishi has the time to post, Rishi can't remember what she was going to say. -_-
So Rishi finally came up with something!
Everyone knows Hani, right? If not, go click Rishi's name and look at the pretty Hani pictures in her portflio.
You guys want to know more abour Hani, ne? Well, well, Rishi was thinking...Rishi can't read minds (sadly) so Rishi wanted to know if YOU had any questions for Hani! They can be the most deep, profound and/or embarassing questions ever
(( a la
So come on! Rishi wants to answer Hani questions! Rishi wants you to know Hani better! Rishi wants Squeechan to wear Neji's boxers on her head again!
Rishi hasn't been posting anything latley, so here you go! Moar about Hani.
- Hani loves Neji, Naruto, Squee (Squee-Neji) and anyone else that comes in contact with her
But Big Brother Neji is her one and only. (^^)
- Hani has one doll named Hana, named after her big sister (deceased)
And that's all for today! Ta-ta!
~Rishi, teh Genki Girl~