hi joooo~~!!!

hi u ppls, i didn't go 2 skool 2day!! no y?? i was sick!!OwO .....yeah.....sayed home....im feeling better!!>w<

OMG!!! i found this and though i hate sasuke he is sucha goo singer!!!!!(then again what do i expect from the same person who does england....his voice pervs!)>w<

i noticed how i haven't been quotes up!! im sry but been having 2 get off b4 i can!!>.< so~~~!! there's a story behind this quote....my and sammie were playing(omg we can do that!!O_O) and she was naruto and i was jiraiya, and she kept calling my pervy sage (of course) so i tried to yell "stop f-ing calling my pervy sage!" but i said a word twice so instead i said this....

today's quote:
"STOP F-ING ME CALLING ME PERVY SAGE!!"-...so yeah.....^^"
