1. How old are you? 14
2. What’s your middle name? Jane...(just like Sadie!!>w<)
3. If you could legally change your name, what would you change it to? um....idk.....something less.....common.....
4. Any body piercings? What do you have, and what do you want? my ears used to be pierced....i wish they could be pierced again.....^^;
5. What’s your relationship status? single.....TT^TT
6. Longest and shortest relationship? longest: 1 month, 10 days: shortest: um....3 weeks?? ....idk.....
7. What is your natural hair colour? dark brown....
8. What’s your eye color? hazel
9. Would you change it? .....nah......
10. What’s your hair type (curly, wavy, straight)? um.....when i brush it....pretty straight.....when i don't......wavy....
11. Do you get along with your neighbours? i don't no my neighbors.....
12. How old is the last person you kissed? 14.....unless u count my sis....9....-.-;
13. Which of your parents are you more like, personality-wise? um.....mom i guess.....she actually nos what anime is!!>w<
14. What about looks-wise? um......idk......
15. Favorite summer drink? ....idk.....pop??
16. If you’re in school, what grade are you in? imma gonna be a freshman in high school.....
17. What’s your future career going to be? maybe and artist.....i want 2 start a manga store.....
18. Planning on college? idk.....probably.....
19. Favorite boy’s name? .......fave boy name?? idk......i don't have 1.....
20. Favorite girl’s name? i like mine......
21. Do you like to read? no.....i just have a hack lot of books 4 no reason....*rolls eyes*
22. Do you like to write? yeah.....
23. Favorite movie? Across the Universe, Monty Python and the Holy Grail....and a shit load of others......
24. Who are your best friends? Shane, Jessica, Sadie, Kayla......yeah......
25. What kinds of grades do you/did you get in school? average 1s....not 2 good but not 2 bad.....
26. Where were you when 9/11 happened? pfft.....idk....i was what....5??
27. Where were you when the Columbine school shootings happened? ......what?o3o
28. Are you a virgin? i better be!! if i wasn't my did would kill me!!! im only 14!!
29. Favorite magazines? Shonen Jump.....(that does count...right??)
30. Where were you born? Wichita.....in the same hospital as Sadie.....creepy....
31. What’s the last thing you bought? .....idk.....i has no money.....
32. Do you drink, smoke, or do drugs? NEVER!!
33. Do you drink coffee? not rly, no......
34. Three words to describe your fashion sense? personal.....um.....boyish.....not preppy......??
35. Do you have a blog (either a personal Xanga, blogger, Tumblr, whatever)? ....um.....does this count.....cuz if it does...than yes?? other wise....no....
36. Did you see Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro” video? Do you even like Gaga? um....no....and i do like Gaga.....though im not a huge fan.....
37. Where do you work? my bed.....XDDD
38. What’s the last thing someone borrowed from you? um.....my naruto game....(which im wanting back.....SHANE!!XDDD)
39. What song was really popular when you were in middle school? ........idk.......fireflies?? .....tick tok......maybe.....i don't pay attention.....
40. What about your freshman year of high school? i'll get back 2 u on that.....
41. Do you exercise? pfft.....y do u think i hate p.e.??
42. Do you have A/C in your house? yep....
43. Do you use A/C while you’re driving? i no drive.....but yeah....my dad does.......
44. How much does it cost to fill your car with gas usually? I DON'T HAVE A CAR!!!! ....sheesh.....
45. What deodorant do you use? um......a strawberry smelling 1.....which Shane seemed 2 like.......
46. How old are your siblings, if you have any? Ben is 19.....Sammie is 9.....
47. What makeup, if any, do you wear? i don't like makeup.....
48. Do you shave? sometimes yes.....i actually did not 2 long ago.....
49. Ever dyed your hair an unnatural color? pfft.....no.....
50. Ever made a remix of a song? .......no.....not rly........
51. What are some things you like to do that most other people consider childish? u mean besides the fact that i shout "Tobi" randomly??
52. Do you think you act your age? no.....
53. Are you tan? kinda......
54. Favorite eye color? uh......idk......
55. What colors are the walls of your room? top half: light-ish blue; bottom half: navy blue......
56. Worst trend right now in your opinion? ......twilight......it messed up my b-day a little.....it's 1 of the only reasons ppl no muse.......and it's about the most PERFECTLY beautiful girl and the boys just throw themselves at her......so it makes me feel ugly and unloveed!! happy?! that is way i hate twilight.....>:(
57. If you get married, will you take your partner’s name? maybe.....
58. Are you, or anyone you know, polyamorous? poly-what?!
59. Ever been in an open relationship? no.....i just looked up what that means and no.....i have not.....
60. If you’re single, how long have you been single for? um.....2 months and 6 days.....-.-
61. Do you know how your parents met? nope.....
62. Are your parents together, separated, divorced, or never married? divorced......my dad's gonna get married again soon......
63. Weirdest place you had sex? no.....im a virgin......
64. What age did you first get internet at? um......idk.......
65. What age did you first get a cellphone at? i wish i had a cellphone.....
66. What year were you born? 1995
67. What’s your favorite decade? idk.......60's or 80's......great music......
69. Do you own any antiques? no..........
70. How much was your last paycheck? no job......
71. Do any of your friends live alone? um....i don't think so......
72. Does your car have bumper stickers on it? *sigh* I HAVE NO CAR!!! how many times do i have to say this??
74. Are you currently in love? yes.......¬_¬
75. Favorite flavor of smoothie? um......idk.....
76. Favorite nail polish color? idk......
77. Did you order a yearbook for every year of high school? im not in high school yet.....
78. Did you get a yearbook in elementary school? no......
79. What about middle school? no..........
81. Do you use MySpace or Facebook more? neither.....
82. Do you do drugs? no.......
83. Do you smoke? no.....
84. Do you drink coffee? no al-firckin-ready!!
86. When is/was your 18th birthday? about 4 months......
87. Favorite band you’ve seen live? um.....never rly been 2 1.....unless u call river fest a concert.....
88. What kind of phone do you have? idk.......cellphone?? .....none......
89. Do you have a friend that REALLY gets on your nerves sometimes? yes....im sure she gets on every1s.....
90. Ever dated someone of a different race? lol....no...^^;
92. What religion are you? mormon....somewhat......
93. What’s your stance on abortion? im not sure.....
94. Are you a Democrat or Republican? pfft....idk......
95. Do you believe in global warming? yes.....
96. Ever get a ticket? If so, what for? nope
97. Ever travelled to another country? nope.....
98. Do you speak any other languages? i barley no english......
99: Do you care what people think? sometimes.....it depends......
100: How is your life? pretty good.....i would change somethings......but not much......