Hello, everyone. As you can see, I am Cloud Strife. I am using this world to tell you about my days, and obviously, my feelings.

I'm in the host club too, here's my card, give me a call.

Host Club

I am very proud to admit that CagedNejisGirl is now my girlfriend. I hope she and I are very happy together.


Oh, Manicies tagged me.

Eye Color: Bluey Greeny
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: around 5"7
Favorite Color: blue
Screen Name: ACAngels
Favorite Show: The anime of FFVII of course
Your Car: I use a motorbike
Your Hometown: Nowhere to now here
Your Present Town: Nowhere to now here
Your First Crush's Name: Who's asking?
Your Grade: Don't go to school

Sat on your rooftop? yes
Kissed someone in the rain? I think so
Danced in a public place? no
Smiled for no reason? everyone has a reason for smiling
Laughed so hard you cried? not often
Peed your pants after age 8? I don't remember
Written a song? no
Sang to someone for no reason? yes
Performed on a stage? no
Talked to someone you don't know? yes
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? yes
Made out in a theater? no
Been in love? yes

Say HI to you? Dyanaanime
Tell you, ...
Kiss you? ...
Hug you? ...
Tell you BYE? ...
Write you a note? It was Tifa, Reno needed help getting home...
Take your photo? I don't know
Buy you something? Rude
Write a poem about you? ...
Touch you? ew

Time you laughed? a long time ago
Time you cried? not long
Song you've sang? I dont remember
Time you've looked at the clock? 10:15
Drink you've had? water
Book you've read? I don't remember
Food you've eaten? I dont remember
Shoes you've worn? my boots
Store you've been in? the sho around the corner
Thing you've said? I got tagged by someone

Write with both hands? .... sorrttaa
Whistle? -_- if you cannot, there is something wrong
Roll your tongue in a circle? yeah, whats so special about it?
Cross your eyes? Yeah
Touch your tongue to your nose? no
Dance? no, I have absolutely no dancing skill what so ever
Speak a different language? no
Impersonate someone? Not at all
Make a card pyramid? no
Cook anything? Yes
If I was rich then i would maybe donate a lot of it
I wish Aerith was still alive...
So many people don't know that ... I take really good care of my motorbike
I am ... me
My heart belongs to one
I tag: Dyanaanime. Wolfpupable, MewChero, Clueless101 and MariaCarlotta

God I miss her...

It never occurred to me until now how much I miss Aerith.... it's like a stake being driven slowly, relentlessly through my heart, and it won't stop...

Any day but this.... please

Yesterday we went and visited Aerith again. She looked happy, and I'm happy that she's with her ancestors.
Anyway, we cekebrated her birthday with her, which I'm pretty sure she enjoyed.


Today, Tifa got angry at Reno again for getting drunk and having to be carried home (which amused me, just a little) and we all started getting ready for Aeriths birthday.
