I can't stand it any more...

I can't stand it any more
The class A wanna be's
The liars
The love that hurts so much
The denial that came too soon
The hate that's beginning to arise from within
The outcast crap
I can't stand ti anymore
The name calling
The leave her alone crap
The 'your a loser'
The loner crap
The 'I hate you' stuff that you hear from others who you thought were your friends
The 'I love you' crap that you hear from someone whom you thought loved you

I can't stand it any more
The annoying little brothers and sisters
The pain in the butt work
The stupid classes
The annoying teachers
The lunatics
The suicidal crap

I can't stand it any more
The do your work crap
The cheerfull cheerleaders
The ever so gorgeous football players
The ever so hateful popular kids
The come be in our group crap
The your smart jokes

I can't stand it any more
The I want to be with you lies
The ever so familiar pick up lines
The your my girl crap
The your my man crap
The I'm sorry it just didn't work out lines
The 'oh, I'm so sorry' bull

I can't stand it any more
