Land of the Immortals

What is it you desire so much?
Do you desire death?

You keep coming back here
To this place of life and beauty
You walk among us as though you think you belong
Why is that?
You are not like any of us
You have no immortality
You nothing more than an empty shell
Yet you keep coming back here
To the land of the Immortals
To my homeland
There are those among us who think of you
As nothing more than an empty,hollow things
A lifeless thing with a hunger so deep
It cannot fathom its own hunger
Then there are those among my kind who think of you as a child
A child who has yet to learn his purpose in this life
They welcome you with open arms
They think of you as a friend
They think you mean us no harm at all
But they are just beginning to come into their prime
They don't know what you do to our kind
They don't know the experiments you put us through
They don't know of the many horrors you can commit
They don't know anything
But they will soon learn what your kind can do
At least to a certain extent that makes them stay away from you
I am not like either of those immortals
I am like a guardian
Born to protect my kind from yours
So that we won't be like your kind

I stand here looking about the land I call home
And I see a place of beauty
A place of peace
A place where I can find some kind of serenity
A place where I can find a refuge from all the torments
That man has done to me

A long time ago
I ventured into the world of man
Hoping to find some sort of understanding of man's world
But what I found was torture
Once man found out what I was
They took me away to a place where they could experiment on me
They wanted to test my abilities
To see if I could do things that man couldn't
Man experimented on me to the point that I thought I would break
But then something happened
Something I couldn't explain
Though man had hurt me
I felt that I had done something wrong against them
I felt that somehow I had created something evil
In their world
Something so evil it would consume them completely
(to be continued...)
