Hey all ^-^ This site will be where I post news/updates and my fanfiction or original stories.
- Created By Darkfire75
Videos and stuff
So...not much to report. I've got a lot of art I need to post up here but since I can only post one pic at a time...it's taking forever. I want to get all my fanart up before I post my original stuff. If you guys wanna check out the stuff I haven't yet posted here you can visit my DA page (darkfire75.deviantart.com) or if you'd rather be surprised here, you can wait I also have an AMV planned for Bleach. After much thought, I realize it will be UlquiHime but with other random hints at 'Hime pairings that I enjoy (minus a few...like NnoiHime -shudder- ). Oh yeah...forgot to post the videos I made for my college's amv contest we had awhile back. They didn't win, but I still like them .w.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=AeOP8sUf3q0 (this one was entered into the comedy section)
http://youtube.com/watch?v=qafsR7zk09E (this one for the drama section)
http://youtube.com/watch?v=NtdyXhLRU8c (and this one is a KakuHida vid that took me 3 months to finish cuz the damn program kept stalling on me when I went to work on it o~o)
And in case no one has figured it out yet, I am a HUGE yaoi/yuri/het fan. Yaoi and Het tend to be my most faves though (simply because the fanart/fanfiction makes me either squee or get horny... XD ) So most of what I draw will be yaoi or shonen-ai themed. I love drawing men, so any excuse to draw them is okay with me. I suck at the female form (I shame my own gender XP) but I still try. Boobs are just really hard for me to get right. Drawing the male torso and hair on someone's head...that's my FAVORITE stuff to draw. I eagerly anticipate when I can draw that stuff when I start a picture. It's like a drug for me. I can't get enough of it. And coloring hair in photoshop...omg, it's like I'm in heaven. Soooo many possibilities to try. Anyway...this post got long. I might start posting fanfics that I've written soon. Most of them are at my DA account and fanfiction.net (I'm darkfire75 on both). So...bye for now!
So...hmm....this semester of college is almost done (yay!!!). I'm working on my graphic novel for my illustration class. It's so freaking hard, but it's helped me be able to understand how to make a comic now. So I might do more in the future I think my last day of classes is on my birthday ^-^ woot woot! I feel old...I know 20's not that big a deal, but I am finally out of the 10's digits. Oh yeah and the Bleach and Naruto fillers are pissing me off
Anyway, not much going on in my life besides school at the moment. Oh yeah and my parents seem to think I need new friends since all my friends are either gay or bi -__- What is wrong with having gay/bi friends? I love them. They're the best people I've ever known. I do know a few straight people, but in all honesty, they're kinda boring. I mean, I can't talk about yaoi with them (some of them anyway). Although the majority of my friends all love yaoi and yuri and find people who like het weird. I happen to like all 3 forms of sexual relationships >:3 SasuSaku is my hetero porn, hehe. I do have a friend who can't understand hetero love. She just doesn't see the fun or point of it XD Ah well.
I'm into several animes now, so hopefully they can take away my anger at Naruto Shippuden and Bleach for right now. Which reminds me, I gotta go read the new manga chapters today :O I am also watching a drama called Dexter (not a Japanese drama XP). It's so fucking awesome and morbidly funny. My parents got me into it, so yeah. Blah...that's all for now I guess.
Recent news
So Anime Boston is almost here. Woot! I'm excited to be going as Tezuka Kunimitsu (Prince of Tennis). I have my whole costume now, including the wig. I'm gonna try everything on later to see how it looks. Anyone else gonna be going to AB? Just curious. I'm going with my college's anime club, so yeah. I haven't posted much at theOtaku in awhile. The 3D chat IMVU has claimed my soul, seriously XD I roleplay as Hidan there and I've met some awesome new friends. I've also become OBSESSED with KakuHida as a result. Another user roleplays as Kakuzu, so we have yummy yaoi moments, hehehe. I'm gonna start post fanfics I've done at some point. For now this is just an intro to new people and whatnot. I realize I'm gonna have to censor my fanfics a bit since they'll all quite...above the rating of PG-13 >:D
a video I made called "Hidan's Adventures in IMVU"