Blood Relatives

Mina spent the day exploring the mansion learning it inside and out, she preferred knowing her surroundings. She found a place in the east tower where she could look out and see the city and the grounds of the mansion. The sun was going down and she enjoyed the peace of the quiet as the oranges and purples faded to blues and finally black. As cold breeze hit her neck and she stiffened putting on a small mocking smile.
"So we finally get to meet." She turned around and peered into the shadows. "Integra is having you keep an eye on me. How predictable. But honestly why do you stay in the shadows creature. I know you're there."
A mocking laugh erupted all around her as the shadows themselves drew into each other becoming smaller until forming into a tall thin man in a red trench coat and sunglasses developed to block out the glare of the light. His black hair was short and hung draped over one of his eyes. She realized why he was laughing, he wasn't hiding in the shadows he was the shadows. "I can see why Walter likes you. I am Alucard." He bowed his head formally.
"Lumina." She said tersely.
His thin smile widened. "Walter said your name was Mina." His voice lingered in the name 'Mina'.
She drew herself up straight meeting his gaze. "Only to other humans, vampire. You will address me as Lumina." She walked unconcerned to the stone wall of the tower and leaned against it still staring at him. "So Alucard is your name now. Am I to have your pleasant company for long?" She hoped to have had some effect on the creature but he only walked over to her looking very pleased with himself ad leaned on the other wall smiling at her.
"Now that you're a member we will have all the time we want." His mocking smile made her want to stake his heart right there, but of course even she knew it wouldn't kill him.
For a second she thought she saw something then a she blinked he was there right in front of her. She could smell the blood on his icy breath. He was no longer wearing glasses, she could see his red eyes searching her face. She wanted to run or push him away but her arms weren't listening, she just stayed there like a statue for the first time, afraid. His face moved around as if he were smelling her like a dog would trying to find something. "What is that scent?" He smiled closing his eyes a if he was enjoying her fear. "I've smelled it faint like it was years ago. So many years ago." His voice was far away."
She finally found her voice. "Get away from me monster, or I'll take your head off." He looked at her as if for the first time and shrank back like a shadow from light.