Blood Relatives

Integra folded her hands in front of her. "Not common but I understand your need to make a difference Ms. Cross.."
"Mina...mam." Lumina interrupted politely. Her eyes never wavered from Integra, she barely blinked. He could see a fleck of something when she said the name Mina, but then it was gone.
Integra nodded slightly. "Mina...I have looked over your file and Walter has done some digging.." She smiled faintly as if she knew he would. "I don't see any reason that we shouldn't at least try it out. I've found that only certain people can withstand the.." Integra paused. "..intensity of our expectations and some do not survive." She leaned forward.
Mina smiled again, it was like watching a cat hiss at you, she had an animalistic quality about her heightening the dangerous feeling Walter got just by looking at her. "I'm sure I will survive." Mina said with no small amount of arrogance.
"Walter." Integra said not turning to look at him.
"Yes mam."
"Show our newest guest to her room. Oh and Mina, welcome to the Hellsing organization."
Mina bowed her head and waited as Walter came around and followed him as he left the room.
Once again she found herself walking just a step behind Walter. They made their way through the mansion Walter showed her the exercise yard, the armory, useful if anything went wrong. Then they went down into the basement her senses on alert she walked silently down the long dark corridor passing many rooms that seemed untouched. Torches lit the passageway casting flickering shadows on the wall making creatures leap up at her mind. She pushed them away and noticed a room where Walter had stopped.
"This is your room. Breakfast is a seven, dinner at noon, and supper is served at six thirty sharp. If there's anything else I can get you.." He bowed as she entered the room.
"Walter.." She said turning to him, for the first time noticing the subtle fragility of the man. "Is this where everyone is placed or only the ones who are shall we say expendable?"
His smile was slight and almost pleasant as if he respected her candor. "This is where we place our most powerful soldiers Miss Mina."
She looked around the room. "You mean weapons don't you?" She looked over her shoulder at him. His gaze was steady. "It's alright, I am a weapon. That's my purpose, I have no other reason to exist." She shrugged off her jacket and threw it on the bed and just as Walter was about to close the door. "And Walter..." He stopped and looked at her. "'s just Mina." She smiled at him, he bowed his head and closed the door.