Fleeting Bonds

Kakashi knew they were outnumbered, he motioned for his team to move around and hide. The ambush was set with traps and he was ready; he pulled up his headband to reveal his Sharingan. When the line of enemy came pouring into view he realized they weren’t jus outnumbered, they were overwhelmed. Steeling himself to the task at hand he tried to calculate what was need to accomplish him mission and motioned for the attack and took out his kunai.

The battle was intense and lasted for two days, Kakashi landed unsteadily on the ground his arm bleeding his chakra almost gone and his entire contingent dead, he knew this was it. He pulled himself up straight holding barely onto his last kunai, then as they attacked he fought them taking out another four before getting hit by a paper bomb and sent flying and slamming against a tree. Feeling his consciousness slipping he gritted his teeth forcing his body up but his muscles gave way. No, there’s no way I’m…

A whirlwind suddenly appeared in front of him sending the ninja in front and beside him away. Then he saw Aria. She turned as if unconcerned by the men rising from where the wind had thrown them. “Kakashi.” Her voice was soft and confident, her eyes wet with tears.

“Aria?” His voice was a whisper as she help him to his knees.

She smiled at him like a friend saying goodbye. “I know who I am now.” She touched his face, he was too stunned to say anything as he saw two ninja about to throw kunai at her. He moved to deflect them when she flicked her wrist and they went flying back at least twenty feet. He could almost imagine hearing their necks break buy the way they landed.

His eyes wide he looked back at her. “What are you?”

A flash of hurt spread across her face but then it was gone. “I am Kaggra, spirit of the wind.”

Sudden realization took him remembering his father telling him he was friends with the wind, and how it guided him and took care of him. “My father..” He whispered absently.

She nodded her expression held such deep pains. “I’m dying Kakashi, there’s no time to explain everything. I will save your village… for you and for the memory of Sakumo.” She leaned forward and took down his mask to kiss him. A single tear trailing down her cheek she pulled back. “Remember me.” She turned around and raised her hands a great wind rose and every enemy ninja all around the village every living thing that was an adversary to the leaf village was picked up and with the last bit of power feeling herself tearing apart into nothingness she tore the flesh from the bones hearing her own cry of agony in the whipping winds.

“Aria!!!’ She heard and as her body began to blow away she saw him standing his hands shaking his face uncovered still. “I will remember you.” He said his voice lost in the wind but she heard, she heard him and smiled as her face was carried away like sand in the wind.