Guardian's Station

They ran until coming to the fields of steam. It was a field where steam geysers were pitted everywhere and you never knew when they would burst. Alex peered across the field seeing only two other children running. He smelled burned flesh and scanned further to see a body lying, from what he could see it looked like Sean Manticore. He grimaced and he heard Josh wretch. He knew it was only a matter of time. He probably wasn't even the first. The moores were vast and there were more than likely others. His brother died here as well.

"We move fast and don't stop..." He looked over his shoulder uncharacteristically serious. "Right?!"

Josh whose face went white as a sheet nodded. "Right."

His heart was pounding in his head, every nerve on him was alive, like he was meant for this. He took a deep shaky breath, he wasn't way. His limbs shook, but with excitement. He smiled feeling his energy about to burst. "Come on!" He shouted and his feet moved.

He felt as if he were apart of the field, he felt the rumble of the earth and he would sidestep Josh following closely. He never heard of anyone noticing it but he did. Whooping in excitement at just dodging another geyser he laughed. His senses grew to encompass even his friend, he could almost sense his movements without even seeing them. It was a euphoric effect he would have to ask the Clerics about when he won. His chest was numb, he knew he should be exhausted, the field was so large. He heard Josh becoming winded, but they couldn't stop. "Come on we can do this!" He shouted as another geyser blew not far from them.

The ground was cracked and with smooth geometric shapes that were made of clay and ash colored water that pooled from the cooling steam. Alex marveled at how alive he felt until a heart wrenching scream was heard and Josh stopped.

Alex stopped looking back at his friend who was staring to the side where the scream came from, his body froze in shock. Alex looked as well to see another body. Greg's skin was charred, his cloths torn away by the pressure. The smell was putrid, he suppressed the need to gag, but knew they had to keep going or that would be them.

"Come on Josh we gotta go!" He shouted to his friend who didn't seem to hear him. "Josh!" He screamed again but again his friend didn't seem to hear him. For the first time in his life Alex felt a twinge of what he could only describe as fear when the ground rumbled under his feet. He jumped launching himself at his friend knocking him back just far enough to miss one of the jets. He felt the burning on his lower left leg and screamed knocking Josh from his stupor.

"Alex are you ok?" He asked as Alex got up limping.

He nodded. "Let's go we don't have time." He almost pushed him, they were off again but this time Alex was beside Josh limping because of his burn, which was like standing in an inferno. No matter how hard it was to push out of his mind Alex kept trying. He knew if they didn't get out soon they would both die. He saw the ledge they had to climb to get out of the fields. Josh was slowing more now he took hold of his arm and began dragging him. "Wait, just leave me." Josh panted.

"No way!" Alex growled and pushed him against the cliff. "Now climb!" He ordered harshly. His leg was still burning, the fire renewed itself when his sweat beaded down stinging his charred skin. He dared not look at it, not yet.

Gripping hard with his fingers he began to pull himself up the 90 degree cliff-face just below Josh. His body was trying to shut down from the shock of the burn but he pushed through it. He shook his head to clear his mind looking up. Josh was almost there, he took a deep breath and found another hand hold then another and another. He jammed his toes into small crevices ignoring the rocks jabbing into his leg. He gritted his teeth as he reached the top and Josh helped to pull him up. They laid on the ground heaving from exhaustion.

Alex looked over at his friend. "See I told you we'd make it."

Josh laughed incredulously at him and sat up looking for the first time at his leg. Alex sat up too and looked. The skin was bubbling and an angry red, he could already see how badly it would scar. He shrugged. "The first of many I'm sure." He commented lightly. The pain was still there but he was so happy about making it he didn't care.

Josh got up giving him a hand and they looked out over the moores. The fields in front of them was littered with tiny bodies of their once comrades. True, Alex didn't have any friends except Josh but he knew most of them from school and the village. Only a few came from the neighboring towns. He bowed his head in respect for their sacrifices. They all wanted to protect their homes, and families. In his eyes they were all spirit. Josh put his hand on Alex's shoulder. "Come on we're almost there."

Alex nodded solemnly and they turned walking their way up the hill to the ancient tree.