Naruto 2009

The truck stopped sending his head forward his hand came up to slam into the dashboard. “Next time I’M driving.” He complained as he opened the door slapping his feet on the pavement.

“Just shut up and get my stuff were on the second floor.” His mother yelled as Akura got out and looked up at the new place.

It was a hokey town with no mall or Radio shack, the apartment was above a flower shop where two old men were sitting out front playing chess. Looking straight up Fox sighed and turned his head glaring at his mother who was lugging two suitcases from the truck. “Great…does this place even have electricity?”

She walked past ignoring him like she did when she was mad at him. Akura came up her mouth hanging open. “She can’t be serious..” She pouted looking up at him. “Fox you gotta get us outta here.” He nodded in agreement.

“Hey kids…so you’re the new tenants huh?” Fox looked at the ridiculous man standing holding a broom in the door to the shop. Fox almost laughed at his black bowl cut hair and bright orange and green Hawaiian shirt that hung over his long green khaki shorts.

“What…I mean who are you?” Akura asked stifling a smirk.

“My name is Manlie, I’m the owner of this building and flower shop…” He smiled showing large white teeth. “…and the handsomest guy in town.”

Fox looked at his sister. “Well we won’t be here long.”


Fox walked as slow as he could up to the new school, Akura just beside him. “New people, new friends. She said with a sigh. She never had trouble making new friends.

He snickered rustling her hair making her dodge and step away fixing it. “New school new people to fight… new types of trouble.” He amended walking up into the crowd of students all gather in front.

“Try not to get in my wake little sister.” Fox said as they went up the step noticing the stares.

She sniffed. “You’re such a Neanderthal.”

Her put her in a headlock rubbing her hair as she screamed pushing at his arm. “Get off jerk!” He laughed letting her go walking into the office to register for the classes he was going to ditch.

“Outta my wake freak!”

Foxy let the boy push his shoulder only to put out his foot. The boy fell on his face making everyone in the class room laugh. “Oh….sorry I didn’t see you. I guess I don’t see losers like you all that well. Maybe I need loser glasses.”

The boy got back up his spiky black hair and lettered jacket meant he was a jock. Fox’s favorite prey. “Hey newbie, this is my school get it!” His nose was only and inch from Fox’s.

“What I get is that you need a breath mint.” He pulled back waving making the kids all laugh more, the boy’s face went beet red.

“Alright everyone in their seats!” The teacher called coming in the room holding an armful of books and papers not even looking at them. Fox sat down relaxing back ready to begin his daily nap. The teacher finally looked up at them. “Mr. Hake sit down.” Fox glanced at the boy as he grumbled sitting two seats behind and one over.

When the school day was over Fox crouched on the wall outside waiting for Akura to come out. He saw her talking to a small boy who looked an awful lot like the shop owner below their apartment. He smirked and walked up to them.

“I will help you with your health classes if you need it Akura.”

She laughed looking like she wanted to bolt when Fox came up and put his arm around her shoulders. “So sis, is this your new boyfriend?” She puffed up and stomped on his toe.

The boy turned red and scratched his head nervously. “My name is Lee, you are Akura’s big brother. It’s nice to meet you.” He put out his hand.

Fox looked at the kid, was he crazy? His sister was glowering at him so he decided to make her life worse. It was the least he could do to entertain himself. He shook the kid’s hand. “My name is Fox…hey why don’t you come over for supper tomorrow night. You could meet our mom, you know… she likes to meet our new friends.”

The kid smiled so big Fox thought he would hug him right there. “Oh that would be splendid! I will see you tomorrow Akura.” He nearly skipped away. Fox laughed so hard his shoulders shook.

“You are such a jerk!” Akura shouted then kicked him but he blocked it. She clenched her fists at her sides and stomped off.

His smile faded quickly, making his sister miserable was only temporarily fulfilling. He saw the jock boy walking away after being followed momentarily by a drove of girls. An evil smile touched his lips, he straightened his black jacket and took off down the street.