This isn't the end.__--__ It's only the beginning

Walking through the halls on her way to the prison, a shinobi from Anbu appeared kneeling. “Lady fifth.”

She didn’t look down at him making sure no one was around to hear. “Is everything prepared?”

The masked shinobi looked up. “Yes mam. Ibiki has finished with them.”

“Good.” She said. “We will act tomorrow. Until then keep it quiet.”

“Yes lady Hokage.” Then the shinobi disappeared.

Standing at the cell door she nodded to the guards and they opened the door. Walking in and saw the young Uchiha sitting staring right at her. The cell door closed as she walked in stopping in the center of the 6x6 room. His eyes were dark, she could see his anger still sizzling under the surface of his calm expression.

“I’ve come too see you, so that you can convince me why I should let you out.”

He looked down and laughed arrogantly, she was reminded of Itachi in that moment. “I wouldn’t let me out if I were you.”

“And why is that?”

“Despite the fact I fought Madara, I didn’t do it for this village or for anyone in it.”

Crossing her arms she regarded him. “Kakashi seems to have faith in you. As does Naruto and Sakura.”

His jaw clenched. Gotcha! “If I were to let you out, what would you do?”

He didn’t answer right away like he was thinking it over. “Leave.”

“Why? You have people here…”

“When will you all get it? I hate this village! For what you did to me, what you did to my brother!” His voice calmed down as he sat back against the wall. “If you let me go, I would leave.”

“Would you try to attack this village again?” She asked. She held no doubt that he would be honest because it was obvious he didn't fear the consequences.



He looked up at her. “For the obvious reason that…” He took a deep breath. “..Naruto would stop me.” It sounded as if it was painful to admit that Naruto was more powerful.

She nodded silently and turned around stopping just as the cell door was opened. “I will let you go.” She said not looking back at him. “On one condition.” She waited until she heard him say.

“What’s that?”

“You stay here a week, if you still wish to leave then no one will stop you.”

“How do you know I wouldn’t just leave anyway as soon as you let me out?”

She looked over her shoulder at him. “One, Naruto trusts you and that’s good enough for me. And two, if it’s not good enough for you then Kakashi will watch you.”

He laughed.

She nodded and turned to leave, the door closed after her. She looked back into the window of the cell. “Kakashi will come in one hour, I believe you’re invited to a party.”


She held her arm nervously walking towards the Hyuga complex, she wasn’t sure what to do now. Sasuke was in prison, she hadn’t talked to him since the first day and now if he was set free he would probably leave. She knew he wouldn’t want to stay, why would he? Then there was Naruto and Hinata. How would that play out and how did she want it to? She wasn’t used to being so uncertain. There was always the main goal of getting Sasuke back then it was just keeping Naruto alive and then Danzo trying to over throw the leaf then Maddara. It was one thing after another but she always knew her goal and knew which was she was going. Now she felt adrift with no destination or purpose.

“Hey Sakura!” She heard Naruto and looked. Her jaw hung open for a second but she clicked it shut. He was wearing a long coat that was black with red flames on the edges reminiscent of the fourth Hokage’s coat. When she found out who his father was she wasn’t sure if she should believe it but she could see it now. Not wearing his leaf headband and dressed in a black with orange trimmed outfit and not his jumpsuit.

She smiled faintly. “Hey Naruto.”

His brows crunched together. “What’s wrong?” He stopped and she saw him get it he put on his big ‘everything’s going to be ok’ smile for her. “Hey cheer up. Kakashi sensei is going to take care of everything.” She laughed at his optimism. He was always so full of hope and confidence, she found herself envying him lately. He walked ahead of her. “Come on this is a party, let’s have fun tonight. Okay?”

She nodded and gave him a big smile. “Yeah!”

The Hyuga complex was huge where the main branch of the family lived, Hinata’s father was letting them use it as a favor to his nephew and daughter. They walked in seeing a large Akumaru sitting wagging his tail as Kiba leaned against him while he talked to Shino. “Hey Naruto!” Kiba shouted smiling showing his sharp teeth.

Naruto greeted everyone but as he walked around smiling and laughing there was someone missing. He stopped at Neji. “Have you seen Hinata?” He scanned the party seeing Sakura talking with Ino. Shikamaru laughing with Choji and Lee and Tenten staring over at them.

“She’s over there.” Neji pointed over at a pillar where he could just see a sliver of a shoulder peaking out from behind it.

“Thanks.” He said already walking across the courtyard wondering why she thought she had to hide, but then she was always hiding. Just before he got there he put on a bit of speed and appeared in front of her making her eyes widen.

“Oh ….uh.. hi Naruto.” She said in a whisper her cheeks reddened.

Suddenly he wasn’t sure what to say, he rubbed the back of his neck smiling feeling like an idiot for rushing over without thinking. “Hi.” Music came on as Neji finally got the stereo to work. It was a high energy dance song. Naruto peeked around the pillar and saw everyone dancing in the center of the courtyard. He smiled suddenly having an idea. He grabbed her hand laughing to himself as her entire face went beat red. “Come on let’s dance.” At least this way they wouldn’t have to talk. It would give him time to think of what to say. He pulled her out to the dance floor. Kiba was showing off by spinning on the floor on his back and Ino and Sakura were dancing close together but he noticed she was looking over at Choji and Shikamaru. Sakura glanced over at him, he smiled at her but she looked away.

The song didn’t last long enough for him but when it ended a slow song came on and everyone seemed to leave the floor. He was going to ask Hinata to dance but as soon as the song ended she took off again this time he couldn’t find her. He growled under his breath and sat down on a stone step staring at the empty dance floor. Lee was the first to have the guts to ask Sakura to dance. He waited for her to say no but she nodded. Lee almost passed out but recovered quickly. Alright bushy brows. He thought smiling, she needed to relax and forget about Sasuke for a little while.

For the longest time he really liked her but lately she was more like a sister. Then after Hinata said she loved him… His thoughts stopped as he searched for her again. Everything in his life was coming together and crumbling apart at the same time. He wasn’t sure what would happen now but as long as he had his friends he knew it would be alright. Tenten asked Neji and another pair was on the floor. Everyone was surprised when Ino dragged Choji onto the floor. No one looked more surprised than Choji. Of course Shikamaru looked content but then Temari wasn’t there. No matter how much he protested everyone knew where that was going. Kiba leaned on Akumaru and Shino just stood still, aloof as always.