This isn't the end.__--__ It's only the beginning

The battle was over. There was rubble everywhere. The once great mountain was brought down on top of three shinobi who fought with the intensity of gods. The pink haired Kanoichi that stood on the hill overlooking the still crumbling mountainside.

“Naruto! Sasuke!” Her feet moved on thier own through the dust that was begining to settle. Her old sensei right on her heels as the leapt form boulder to boulder searching for them. Her heart in her throat she stood on top of a broken trunk of a tree the thicknes of two men. “Kakashi Sensei do you see them?” She asked as he appeared beside her.

“There.” He jumped to a large boulder that seemed to be big enough for a small moutain in itself. “Under here Sakura.”

“Right!” She focused her chakra into her fist and with everything she had swung down sending cracks and shattering the solid rock into tiny pieces. Together they pulled the rubble to the side until they saw two bodies lying beside each other face down. Her hand covered her mouth horrified by the blood and gore of their injuries. “They’re both alive, we have to get them back.” She said absently as she began to prepare them to be moved.

Kakashi held Sasuke and after a bit of healing Naruto’s eyes opened and Sakura always amazed at Naruto’s abilities helped him to walk away leaving the body of Madara Uchiha to be uncovered by the black ops. “Sakura, will Sasuke be alright?" Naruto asked in a raspy tired voice.

She gazed ahead at Sasuke’s head lying limp in Kakashi’s arms. “I hope so.” Her heart wrenched. For the first time she was beginning to let Sasuke go, beginning to feel something more than friendship for Naruto but now…. Hinata almost died for him... and all this time she'd been pining away for someone who might have never come back.

(Two days later at the Leaf)

“I’m fine!” Naruto shouted trying to break free of Iruka’s grip on him. His body wrapped from head to toe in bandages.

“Naruto you need to stay in bed.” Iruka said grunting trying to keep a grip on him but failing as Naruto slipped from him and slammed hard to the floor.


“I told you.” Iruka chuckled picking him up and dragging him to bed.

In the next room there was a contingent of Anbu standing in and outside of the room. Kakashi was sitting beside the bed where Sasuke was still unconscious. He sensed someone come in and looked up. “Sakura.” He stood up as she slowly made her way in.

“They say he’ll be fine but he’ll need to rest.” She said quietly knowing he already knew that. Frowning she fought the tears. “Naruto is awake if you want to see him. Iruka sensei is having trouble keeping him in bed.” She laughed but it was weak.

Putting his hands nonchalantly in his pockets. “Well then I better go and see to him.” He motioned the Anbu out of the inside of the room to give her some privacy. Sakura bobbed her head as Kakashi left the room and was silently grateful he was so well respected in Anbu society.

Sitting down beside the bed looking at the beaten face she once knew, the face she could see when she closed her eyes. He wasn’t the same as he was before, but then neither was she. “Sasuke.” She said quietly not really sure if he could hear her. The tears snuck down her cheeks. “Why did you have to be so blind Sasuke? Why did you leave the one place with the people who…. love you and would do anything for you?” She clenched her fists tightly closing her eyes. “Why are you so stupid Sasuke?!”

“It runs in the family.”

Her eyes shot open. “Sasuke!” She exclaimed but stopped herself forcing the tears to stop. She wouldn’t cry in front of him no matter what.

“Sakura, you haven’t changed. Still so emotional, so naïve.” His voice was weak but cold as ice.

“You’re wrong...” She paused, her hair blocking her eyes. “..I have changed.” She stood up and walked calmly out. Sasuke’s eyes followed her as she left. No emotion showed until the door shut and a slight twitch of his lips almost showed a smile.

(The next day)

Alone in the room Naruto lay sleeping half of the bandages were off now. The hospital was quiet, it being so early. The door to his room opened slowly. Someone walked in closing the door silently and made her way to his beside. Her trembling hands were clenched together as she sat stiffly unsure she should be there. Her heart thudded in her chest so loudly she wondered why it didn’t wake him. The sudden wave of fear and uncertainty overwhelmed her and she stood up about to walk out.


She froze her eyes wide and her cheeks flushed. “Um…” She turned around to look at him. His blue eyes staring at her with a softness that had never been there before. “Hi.” She whispered.

“I’m glad you came.” He smiled and sat up slowly. He grunted and stiffened up and automatically she ran to help him.

She stopped as he stared at her smiling his face so close to hers. “Thanks.” His cheeks flushed. Her hands moved away from him as the door opened and Sakura stepped in.

“Oh, sorry.” Sakura said her eyes fixed on Hinata being so close to Naruto. A flash of jealousy was pushed down.

“Sakura. Hey.” Naruto said smiling like he always did but she noted a slight hint of blush on his cheeks.

“Um…I was going.” Hinata almost ran out as Naruto called after her.

“No, Hinata wait!” He sighed as she disappeared around the corner.

Sakura stared after her until she was out of sight. “Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.” She said looking back to Naruto.

He didn’t say anything his eyes just stayed on the spot where Hinata once was. After she sat down he sighed and relaxed back turning his blue eyes on her. “So how is he?”

“Why should I know?!” She snapped suddenly but then frowned. “Sorry…. he’s going to be alright.” Then clenched her eyes shut.

“Hey.” Naruto whispered touching her hand that was clenched on her lap. She opened her eyes. “It’s ok. Maybe you should go see him.”

She shook her head. “No, I can’t."

“Go see him Sakura.” Naruto sounded firm making her look at him. He had his determined face on. “He’s changed, but he’s still Sasuke. You need to talk to him.”

She nodded. “I will.”

“Now Sakura.” She was stunned. Naruto didn’t speak to her like that. She didn’t know if she wanted to bash in his head or listen. Naruto...I remember when you were just an annoying knucklehead with a big mouth and even bigger dreams. You've changed so much. 'laughs' Though you're still annoying. She stood up and bent down to kiss his forehead making his face turn red. She smiled as she walked out of his room.